Base: | New school |
Region: | Russia, Moscow (Moskva) |
Nearest city: | Moskva |
Age: | for children 7 - 15 years old |
Address: | Mosfil'movskaya 88, k. 5
(on the map) |
Company registration number: | 7728217594 |
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The new school has united the teachers of the strongest schools in Moscow and Russia to create a space in which children will become conscious, thinking people who independently make decisions and bear responsibility for them. In the afternoon, the New School opens its doors to everyone and becomes an educational and cultural center: lectures, meetings with interesting people, concerts, and courses for children and adults are held here. And on vacation days, the New School traditionally holds intensives — five-day themed camps where the child can immerse himself in the chosen topic and how to acquire narrow special skills, or to pump out the wide skills of the 21st century. The new school is located in the 8 minutes walking distance from the metro station Ramenki.
Rooms: | day stay |
Food: | 3 times |
Area: | 0 m2 |
concert hall, gym, football field, dance hall
Security and health services:On the territory of the New School guard post is on duty around the clock. Entry into the territory is possible only with passes. In the medical office of the school, a doctor and nurse will assist.
Main program:
Five days, children will do everything related to football.
Each child will have their own role, their tasks and their achievements.
The players will train and select the club for which they want to play.
Managers — manage clubs, attract players, learn how to work with fans and build a stadium.
Coaches — learn how to train teams, assemble teams and play games.
Judges — judge games, sort out controversies and communicate with players.
Doctors — to understand the loads, make nutrition programs, study injuries and the recovery process.
Journalists — write, take pictures and shoot everything that happens so that it is interesting.
Day schedule:
You bring your child in the morning to camp, where he has been practicing all day according to the chosen program. In the evening, take him home to relax. And in the morning again to us.
Payment methods: |
Price included: |
What to take with: |
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