Region: | Russia, Kareliya |
Nearest city: | Kuznechnoe, 50 km |
Age: | for children 7 - 16 years old |
Address: | Kareliya, Lahdenpohskiy rayon. ostrov Kil'pola
(on the map: address and route) |
Number of children: | 15 |
Start year of work: | 2011 |
Company: | Island of Indra |
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Camp for adults! Life on the Island of Indra is the path of harmonious development in natural communication with nature. Masters of Mind, Body and Spirit will create a space where secrets are revealed, where hard work on oneself will bring real fruits. Synergy and unification is a valuable, distinctive idea of the whole event.
Accomodation type: | 4 buildings |
Rooms: | Two-seat tents, four-bed two-room tents |
Food: | 3 single |
Area: | 10 000 m2 |
living area, dining area, seminar areas
Security and health services:Providing first aid
Main program:
Hatha Yoga
At the present time, hatha yoga is the style most commonly associated with the concept of "yoga » ;. This doctrine of human harmony, achieved through physical and mental exercises. This is a special set of exercises – asana, breathing techniques of pranayama, meditation and concentration during the exercises. Yoga teaches to consciously and attentively treat your health – teaches the practitioners of external and internal cleansing of the body and mind, ways of behavior in the world and a system of proper nutrition.
According to theory and practice in the program the following topics:
- an excursion into the history of yoga
- the main schools and directions of yoga
- philosophy of yoga
- practice of yoga, pranayama, meditation
Seminar master class &knowledge of life »
Ayurveda – "Knowledge of life » ;, a system of ancient Indian medicine in which man is regarded as part of the universe, he is connected by a mystical connection with all living things. Life is defined as the unity of the body, the organs of perception, the mind and the soul, which can prevent death and maintain the body for a long time. From these representations, the rules of healthy living, the path to physical, mental and spiritual harmony have emerged. Within the framework of the workshop on Ayurveda, we will consider the following topics:
- the principles of Vedic nutrition ;
- the beginning of material nature, guna
- a three-dash system ; ; ;
- constitution, the original nature of man
- food for constitution types
- practice of cleansing the body
- energy food
- the use of wild herbs in food
- tea ceremony
- cooking Vedic cuisine
Training Seminar &"The Mystery of Life »
This seminar is about the inner world, about the soul, about the reasons for what is happening with us. Turning to the soul and consciousness, we will find the keys to the device of the surrounding reality in order to understand the causes and interrelation of events, situations, states in our life. You make up your own subconscious card, determine which blocks and beliefs guide you and affect your destiny. You get the knowledge to work with internal blocks and subconscious programs. The training will use the practice of re-surfing. Rebuffing – This is a modern method of deep transformation, known and practiced in the whole world, based on the breathing technique. This method allows a person to get a detailed idea of his subconscious mind, body and feelings. It's a great tool, using which, you can find development paths in different areas of life.
The following topics will be studied at the seminar:
- a model of consciousness, the creation of reality
- evolution of consciousness
- energy information structure
- energy and information
- ego and transpersonal
- meditative dances
- Rebirth breathing sessions ;
- karma, past lives
- trance levels and its capabilities
Seminar « Mayan Time »
Time exists and we perceive everything that surrounds us, we paint the world around us. Time is our landmark, a way out of chaos, it determines our being in this reality. Therefore, in the moment, being in tune with the flow of time is so important. This movement and change, this development, this is the property of life, because what does not move, then goes away, dies. Consent, presence in the present, this is the proof of life! You have the opportunity to learn how to understand the laws of the flow of time, to live in the same rhythm with the universe, to be in harmony with your biological clock.
In the program of the seminar:
- the principles of creation through the prism of the time of Maya
- Synchronous time theory
- Living the energy of the day, the moon and the year
- sacred information about 13 tones
- The scale of emotional states
- Practical tools for working with the Mayan calendar
Seminar « Space Rhythms »
The cosmos, the boundless variety of things and phenomena existing in a single law. We are part of the cosmos, part of the huge organism . Everything that surrounds us is a reflection of ourselves, everything around us is reflected in us. So the organism lives in which everything is infinite. Knowledge of the laws of the cosmos, the laws of unity – the key to knowing yourself. We will focus on understanding and using astrology as a tool for spiritual and psychological growth. This is not the making of predictions, it is the study of the most ancient of all sciences, in the principles of karma and the impulse for transformation. The idea of the seminar, considering the transforming significance of planets, to apply astrological techniques in the direction of personality development.
In the topics of the seminar:
- transforming value of planets
- esoteric aspects of astrology
- the concept of karmic connections
- hierarchy and interrelation of natal, horary, elective maps
- compilation of natal charts
- drawing up of solyars.
The Inipi bath
So, we sit silently in a pant and we think about what is the inipi. We close our eyes and listen to the hiss of water on the white-hot stones – listen to what they tell us. Then small sparks run through it – so there is an idea, a spirit. The whole tent shakes and trembles when something inside starts to sing. Before you all the heat and strength of the earth. You inhale them. Forces penetrate inside, sanctifying you. Steam escapes through the cracks, but the force fills your body, your spirit. It cures many diseases. Miracles heal your soul. Inipi – &la hot stone house » – Indian bath, a ritual of cleansing the body and spirit, a ritual of unity and a new birth. Until the stones lose their heat, the tent will be for us a universe where the spirit of earth, fire, air and water unites. In this house all the children of one mother, all brothers and sisters. Coming from the womb of the universe, purified, we are born anew to live true, to be closer and kinder to each other. In one day, joining forces, we ourselves will build the house of hot stones and feel the amazing magic of the Inipi.
Journey through the Indra Island
Earth – living, body of the earth – an organism created in the harmony of the forces of nature. Therefore, there are no random places on earth, but there are places that create balance, give space to life, like the heart that beats in your chest. There are places of power, they are full of power. This is what hides inexplicable beauty, what nourishes and attracts. Somewhere on the island of Indra, on the shore of a quiet bay, surrounded by a forest thicket, stands a steep rock. This is the place where the setting sun comes, where the last forces of the day are burning out. A place of amazing beauty, from where opens the creation of life, which is beyond the hands of man. Islands, the water surface, and the boundless sky from the height of the flight of birds. Here, after a long journey, you find ease again. Do not be afraid to lose all the forces on the way to the goal, here you will be gifted in full, here you will touch the unprecedented power of the earth. Passing through the overgrown meadows, through the old forest, where all the paths are lost, we will reach the top of Rullahdenseouri, the highest point on the island.
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from $ 833,- Aktivnyie turyi Dmitriya i Matveya Shparo. Po... (Tiksha, Russia) |
from $ 514,- Aktivnyie turyi Dmitriya i Matveya Shparo.... (poselok Tiksha, Russia) |
from $ 1 108,- Aktivnyie turyi Dmitriya i Matveya Shparo.... (poselok Tiksha, Russia) |
from $ 314,- Aktivnyie turyi Dmitriya i Matveya Shparo.... (g. Kostomuksha, Russia) |
from $ 595,- Aktivnyie turyi Dmitriya i Matveya Shparo.... (poselok Tiksha, Russia) |
from $ 1 055,- Aktivnyie turyi Dmitriya i Matveya Shparo.... (poselok Tiksha, Russia) |
from $ 1 173,- Aktivnyie turyi Dmitriya i Matveya Shparo.... (poselok Tiksha, Russia) |
from $ 833,- Aktivnyie turyi Dmitriya i Matveya Shparo.... (p.Tiksha, Russia) |
from $ 833,- Aktivnyie turyi Dmitriya i Matveya Shparo... (p. Tiksha, Russia) |
from $ 833,- Aktivnyie turyi Dmitriya i Matveya Shparo.... (poselok Tiksha, Russia) |
from $ 833,- Aktivnyie turyi Dmitriya i Matveya Shparo.... (p.Tiksha, Russia) |
from $ 618,- Robinzonada. Peshiy pohod po Karelii –... (Petrozavodsk, Russia) |
from $ 443,- Aktivnyie turyi Dmitriya i Matveya Shparo.... (Tiksha, Russia) |
from $ 1 122,- Aktivnyie turyi Dmitriya i Matveya Shparo.... (Tiksha, Russia) |
from $ 393,- Robinzonada. Valday ZOZh (Valday, Russia) |
from $ 852,- Robinzonada. Vodnyiy pohod v Karelii (Louhi, Russia) |
from $ 1 092,- Aktivnyie turyi Dmitriya i Matveya Shparo.... (Tiksha, Russia) |
Как проехать: To get to Indra Island you need: Driving to the village. Blacksmithing * by train from Finland