Программа проводится с 2009 года на базах подмосковных лагерей. Девиз лагеря – "дети всегда должны быть заняты!" Жизнь в лагере кипит: подготовки к концертам, репетиции, игры, квесты, студии, мастер-классы, олимпиада по 15 видам, походы и многое другое. Проведя в лагере смену, ребята хотят возвр...
The program has been conducted since 2009 at the bases of the Moscow region camps. Since 2018, the camp has its own base. Not only an interesting program, but also comfortable accommodation for 4 people with private facilities in the room. The motto of the camp is "children should always be busy...
Make reservation in category "Children's camps" to the camps for children with a discount or bonus at incamp.me. Free reservation and cancellation! Select the best camp with our rating of camps. Compare price and genuine parents reviews about the camps.