Region: | Russia, Moscow (Moskva) |
Nearest city: | Moskva |
Age: | for children 1 - 7 years old |
Address: | Moskva, ul. Staraya Basmannaya, 15
(on the map: address and route) |
Number of children: | 16 |
Start year of work: | 2013 |
Company: | City Kids-Around the World in one summer |
Company registration number: | 7701974276 |
Do you like this camp? Tell your friend |
The CityCity family center is located in the heart of the cozy Garden. Bauman, in close proximity to the modern equipped children's playground. &Nbsp;
Rooms: | day camp |
Food: | 4-time |
Area: | 0 m2 |
concert hall, playground, gym
Security and health services:24-hour security is provided by the park administration and CCTV cameras
Main program:
May 30 – June 03 Russia
June 06 – June 10 Italy
June 13 – June 17 England
June 20 – June 24 China
June 27 – July 1 Australia
July 04 – July 08 Spain
July 11 – July 15 USA
July 18 – July 22 France
July 25 – July 29 India
August 01 – August 05 Sweden
August 08 – August 12 Brazil
August 15 – August 19th Japan
August 22 – August 26 Russia
Shift schedule:
Every day is carefully painted and filled with interesting studies on the studied continents. And every morning we start with charging! &Nbsp;
Schedule of the group « Expedition of the Cornucopia » 1.5-3 days of the week:
09:00 – 09: 30 Collection of inquisitive kids
09:30 – 10: 00 Charge-ka (charging with elements of children's yoga)
10:00 – 10: 15 Second breakfast
10:15 – 11:30 am Applied creativity / Artistic occupation (on the topic of the studied country)
11:30 – 12: 30 A Merry Theme Walk
12:30 – 13: 00 Delicious lunch
13:00 – 15: 00 Pleasant rest of children (daytime sleep)
15:00 – 15: 30 Afternoon snack
15:30 – 16: 30 Cheerful walk / Mini-garden (planting of plants)
16:30 – 17: 00 Break for mobile games / Free play
17:00 – 17: 45 Dance lesson
17:45 – 18: 15 Dinner
18:15 – 19: 00 Pleasant and interesting walk. Meeting children with parents
09:00 – 09: 30 Collection of inquisitive kids
09:30 – 10: 00 Charge-ka (charging with elements of children's yoga)
10:00 – 10: 15 Second breakfast
10:15 – 11:30 am The world around us (general development activity on the topic of the country under study)
11:30 – 12: 30 Merry Walk (sports ground / garden care)
12:30 – 13: 00 Delicious lunch
13:00 – 15: 00 Pleasant rest of children (daytime sleep)
15:00 – 15: 30 Afternoon snack
15:30 – 16: 30 Merry Walk (sports ground / garden care)
16:30 – 17: 00 &la Magic Sandbox » with kinetic sand / Free play break
17:00 – 17: 45 Musical occupation (on the topic of the country being studied)
17:45 – 18: 15 Dinner
18:15 – 19: 00 Pleasant and interesting walk. Meeting children with parents
09:00 – 09: 30 Collection of inquisitive kids
09:30 – 10: 00 Charge-ka (charging with elements of children's yoga)
10:00 – 10: 15 Second breakfast
10:15 – 11:30 am Applied creativity / Artistic occupation (on the topic of the studied country)
11:30 – 12: 30 Merry Walk (sports ground / garden care)
12:30 – 13: 00 Delicious lunch
13:00 – 15: 00 Pleasant rest of children (daytime sleep)
15:00 – 15: 30 Afternoon snack
15:30 – 16: 30 Merry Walk (sports ground / garden care)
16:30 – 17:00 Break for mobile games / free game
17:00 – 17: 45 Dance lesson
17:45 – 18: 15 Dinner
18:15 – 19: 00 Pleasant and interesting walk. Meeting children with parents
09:00 – 09: 30 Collection of inquisitive kids
09:30 – 10: 00 Charge-ka (charging with elements of children's yoga)
10:00 – 10: 15 Second breakfast
10:15 – 11:30 am The world around us (general development activity on the topic of the country under study)
11:30 – 12: 30 Merry thematic walk (sports ground / garden care)
12:30 – 13: 00 Delicious lunch
13:00 – 15: 00 Pleasant rest of children (daytime sleep)
15:00 – 15: 30 Afternoon snack
15:30 – 16: 30 A Merry Theme Walk (sports ground / garden care)
16:30 – 17: 00 Break for outdoor games
17:00 – 17: 45 Musical occupation (on the topic of the country being studied)
17:45 – 18: 15 Dinner
18:15 – 19: 00 Pleasant and interesting walk. Meeting children with parents
09:00 – 09:30 Collection of young travelers
09:30 – 10:00 Charge-ka (charging with elements of children's yoga)
10:00 – 10:15 The second breakfast
10:15 – 11:30 Applied art / Artistic occupation (on the topic of the country under study)
11:30 – 12:30 Funny themed walk (sports ground / garden care)
12:30 – 13:00 Delicious lunch
13:00 – 15:00 Pleasant rest for toddlers (daytime sleep)
15:00 – 15:30 Afternoon snack
15:30 – 16:30 Merry Theme Walk (sports ground / garden care)
16:30 – 17:15 Break for outdoor games
17:15 – 18:00 Dinner
18:00 – 19:00 Theater – a visit to the performance of 'Creative Geography » ;. Meeting the kids with their parents.
Group Schedule « Creative Geography » 4-7 by day of the week:
09:00 – 09: 30 Collection of young travelers
09:30 – 10: 00 Charge-ka (charging with elements of children's yoga)
10:00 – 10: 15 Second breakfast
10:15 – 11:30 am Theatrical activity (theatrical games in tales of the peoples of the world, introducing children to the traditions of different countries)
11:30 – 12: 30 A merry walk with adventure
12:30 – 13: 00 Delicious lunch
13:00 – 15: 00 A pleasant rest for small travelers (daytime sleep)
15: 00 – 15: 30 Afternoon snack
15:30 – 16: 00 Cheerful cognitive walk
16:00 – 16: 45 Dance lesson
16:45 – 17: 00 Break for outdoor games
17:00 – 17: 45 Applied creativity and art workshop (master class on folklore of the country)
17:45 – 18: 15 Dinner
18:15 – 19: 00 Pleasant and interesting walk. Meeting travelers with parents
09:00 – 09: 30 Collection of young travelers
09:30 – 10: 00 Charge-ka (charging with elements of children's yoga)
10:00 – 10: 15 Second breakfast
10:15 – 11:30 am Theatrical activity (funny competitions and sketches, helping to get acquainted with the flora and fauna of the country)
11:30 – 12: 30 A merry walk with adventure
12:30 – 13: 00 Delicious lunch
13:00 – 15: 00 A pleasant rest for small travelers (daytime sleep)
15: 00 – 15: 30 Afternoon snack
15:30 – 16: 00 Cheerful cognitive walk
16:00 – 16: 45 A musical lesson about the musical heritage of the country under study
16:45 – 17: 00 Break for outdoor games
17:00 – 17: 45 Applied creativity and art workshop (master class on folklore of the country)
17:45 – 18: 15 Dinner
18:15 – 19: 00 Pleasant and interesting walk. Meeting travelers with parents
09:00 – 09: 30 Collection of young travelers
09:30 – 10: 00 Charge-ka (charging with elements of children's yoga)
10:00 – 10: 15 Second breakfast
10:15 – 11:30 am Theatrical activity (acting games-studies, developing speech, memory and attention, telling about the cultural peculiarities of the country)
11:30 – 12: 30 A merry walk with adventure
12:30 – 13: 00 Delicious lunch
13:00 – 15: 00 A pleasant rest for small travelers (daytime sleep)
15: 00 – 15: 30 Afternoon snack
15:30 – 16: 00 Cheerful cognitive walk
16:00 – 16: 45 Dance lesson
16:45 – 17: 00 Break for outdoor games
17:00 – 17: 45 Applied creativity and art workshop (master class on folklore of the country)
17:45 – 18: 15 Dinner
18:15 – 19: 00 Pleasant and interesting walk. Meeting travelers with parents
09:00 – 09: 30 Collection of young travelers
09:30 – 10: 00 Charge-ka (charging with elements of children's yoga)
10:00 – 10: 15 Second breakfast
10:15 – 11:30 am Theatrical activity (acting games-studies, developing speech, memory and attention, telling about the cultural peculiarities of the country)
11:30 – 12: 30 A merry walk with adventure
12:30 – 13: 00 Delicious lunch
13:00 – 15: 00 A pleasant rest for small travelers (daytime sleep)
15: 00 – 15: 30 Afternoon snack
15:30 – 16: 00 Cheerful cognitive walk
16:00 – 16: 45 A musical lesson about the musical heritage of the country under study
16:45 – 17: 00 Break for outdoor games
17:00 – 17: 45 Applied creativity and art workshop (master class on folklore of the country)
17:45 – 18: 15 Dinner
18:15 – 19: 00 Pleasant and interesting walk. Meeting travelers with parents
09:00 – 09: 30 Collection of young travelers
09:30 – 10: 00 Charge-ka (charging with elements of children's yoga)
10:00 – 10:30 am Second breakfast
10:30 – 12: 30 A merry walk with adventures (water activities in good weather)
12:30 – 13: 00 Delicious lunch
13:00 – 15: 00 A pleasant rest for small travelers (daytime sleep)
15: 00 – 15: 30 Afternoon snack
15:30 – 16: 45 Active / outdoor outdoor games
16:45 – 17: 00 Break for outdoor games
17:00 – 17: 45 General rehearsal before the performance
18:00 – 18: 30 Speech, the final shift
18:30 – 19: 00 Dinner
Payment methods: |
Price included: |
Book this camp and share your impressions!
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Как проехать: m. The Red Gate