Region: | Mexico, Quintana Roo |
Nearest city: | Akumal', 5 km |
Age: | for children 6 - 17 years old |
Address: | Carretera ChetumaL-Puerto Juarez Km, 256-100 | Municipio Solidaridad, Akumal 77710, Mexico
(on the map) |
Number of children: | 1600 |
Start year of work: | 1980 |
Documents: |
Agreement |
Company: | Kids Projects. Mexico+Guatemala |
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Accommodation 2-х 3х местное in 5 ***** hotel (Mexico) and 4-5 ***** hotel (Guatemala)
Accomodation type: | 16 buildings |
Rooms: | 2-3-seater |
Food: | All inclusive |
Area: | 1 200 000 m2 |
playground, football field, basketball field, pool tarzan-park. paintball, spa
Security and health services:24-hour security and the constant presence of a medical officer
Main program:
Payment methods: |
Price included: |
Not included in the price: |
Own purchases, souvenirs, etc. |
What to take with: |
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