Region: | Russia, Novgorodskaya oblast' |
Nearest city: | Velikiy Novgorod |
Age: | for children 6 - 17 years old |
Address: | Velikiy Novgorod
(on the map) |
Number of children: | 150 |
Start year of work: | 1986 |
Documents: |
1. A trip to the camp, completely filled, signed by the person who issued it and certified by the seal of the organization that issued it (despite official requirements, some camps are not issuing permits now) 2. A document proving the identity of the child. For children under 14 this birth certificate with a certificate confirming Russian citizenship for children over 14 years old – passport. 3. Medical insurance policy and vaccination certificate. 4. The medical certificate of the established sample (the form №079 / at for improving camps, the form №076 / at for sanatorium camps). It is registered at the local pediatrician. 5. Information about the epidemiological environment. It is taken in the district SES not earlier than three days before leaving for the camp. &Nbsp; 6. A document confirming the payment of travel to the location of the camp (ticket or itinerary-receipt), if the fare is not included in the tour price and is paid separately. It is not required if the parents bring the child to the camp themselves. |
Company: | Orlyonok |
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Children are housed in buildings designed for 8-10 people, facilities in the camp.
Accomodation type: | 1 building |
Rooms: | 8-10 local, facilities in the territory |
Food: | 5-time, complex |
Area: | 120 000 m2 |
beach, concert hall, playground, gym, stadium, football field, basketball field, volleyball field, pool
Security and health services:24-hour security is provided by the internal security department. The medical office is open around the clock.
Main program:
During the whole shift, various sports and recreational activities are held in the camp. There are circles of interest.
Day schedule:
8.30 - the rise
8.40 - morning exercise
9.00 - washing
9.15 - breakfast
10.00 - sports hour
11.00 - classes in mugs, outdoor games, swimming
13.30 - lunch
14.00 - quiet time
16.00 - the rise
16.30 - afternoon snack
16.45 - classes in circles, sports games, walks
19.30 - dinner
20.00 - detachment and camp events
22.00 - hang up
Payment methods: |
Not included in the price: |
" Ostrovsky " is located in Kurgan. The camp accepts up to 150 children per shift. |
What to take with: |
Book this camp and share your impressions!
from $ 678,- Robinzonada. Deti Shpionov. Otryad osobogo... (Velikiy Novgorod, Russia) |
from $ 741,- Robinzonada. Universitet paradoksov (Velikiy Novgorod, Russia) |
from $ 714,- Robinzonada. Valdayskiy triatlon. Klassik (g. Valday, Russia) |
from $ 573,- Valdayskaya Robinzonada. Klassik (g. Valday, Russia) |