Region: | Russia, Saint Petersburg (Sankt-Peterburg) |
Nearest city: | Gatchina, 36 km |
Age: | for children 6 - 15 years old |
Address: | 188338 Leningradskaya oblast', Gatchinskiy rayon, pgt. Siverskiy Pionerskiy pr-kt d. 9
(on the map: address and route) |
Transfer: | from Sankt-Peterburg |
Number of children: | 180 |
Start year of work: | 1946 |
Documents: | Copies of the birth certificate and medical insurance policy; The result of the analysis for enterobiasis; Help leaving in the camp from a nurse from the school or a local pediatrician (vaccinations made, whether or not there were quarantines in the classroom, school, past illnesses, health group); Help that there is no pediculosis; Help from the absence of quarantine at the place of residence (valid for two days). |
Company: | Smena |
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DOL " Change " located on the banks of a picturesque river. Children will have a great opportunity to relax from school in nature under the watchful eye of skilled and experienced counselors!
Accomodation type: | 3 buildings |
Rooms: | 4-12 seated |
Food: | 6-single |
Area: | 90 000 m2 |
concert hall, playground, stadium, football field, basketball field, volleyball field, pool Field for playing handball and small towns, shooting range, riding school
Security and health services:In the state, two watchmen, a police officer, the corps are equipped with fire alarm and internal telephone communication. The building is separate, there is always a doctor, nurse and nurse. Across the road there is a sectorial clinic that serves the camps.
Main program:
Equestrian section, section, where they teach the management of motor scooters, maps, buggies and bicycles (on bicycles go to mini-hikes for the camp territory). Mugs of wood carving, macrame. In the camp they also practice in the choir with the music director and dance with the choreographer. &Nbsp;
Payment methods: |
Price included: | Accommodation, food, security, program, medical care. |
Not included in the price: | Directions, honey. insurance |
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Как проехать: From the Baltic station by train to the station. Siverskaya, from station 511 the bus goes straight to the camp