Region: | Russia, Ul'yanovskaya oblast' |
Nearest city: | Ul'yanovsk, 40 km |
Age: | for children 7 - 16 years old |
Address: | Ul'yanovskaya oblast', Ul'yanovskiy rayon, s.Undoryi, ul.Malyie Undoryi, d. 23/1
(on the map) |
Number of children: | 470 |
Start year of work: | 1956 |
Documents: |
Company: | Volzhanka |
Company registration number: | 7321308512 |
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DOL "Volzhanka" is located on the Volga riverbank, placing children in brick buildings, modern furniture in the rooms, conveniences on the floor, wet daily cleaning. Hot and cold water supply is round the clock, drinking regime is organized using disposable cups. The fenced territory, round-the-clock security, the mode of passage, video surveillance. There are playrooms, a play town, a modern stage with a scene for 500 seats, a library, 4 sports grounds, a medical unit with modern equipment and boxes. Approach to the beach is available, the beach is equipped, in staff sailor-rescuer. Everything corresponds to the requirements and norms of fire safety. The modern dining room is equipped with two steam convectors, an electric grinder, an electric frying pan, wiping machines, a frying cupboard, mormits and a dishwasher. Meals 6 meals a day, products of their agricultural production. The menu was developed by specialists of nutritionists and agreed. Taking mineral water and physiotherapy. &Nbsp;
Children live in comfortable buildings, cozy rooms, new modern furniture. In a two-story brick residential building (3-6 people in a room), wash basins, showers and toilets in the building (on each floor) .
In summer cottages: heated brick buildings (8-12 people in a room) with terraces, wash basins and toilets on the street, showers with cold and hot water in the bathhouse. A modern summer pool opens.
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Accomodation type: | 7 buildings |
Rooms: | 3-6 / 8-12 local |
Food: | 6-single |
Area: | 80 000 m2 |
beach, concert hall, playground, gym, football field, basketball field, volleyball field a bath-and-laundry complex, tennis and badminton courts, a gym for golf and billiards
Security and health services:
24-hour security, medical services are provided by qualified doctors and a medical assistant, there is a licensed medical unit with boxes and procedures, physiotherapy is carried out on the recommendation of a doctor.
On the territory of the camp there is a new medical center, equipped to provide medical assistance, as well as for medical treatment procedures (physiotherapy procedures). In the first-aid post there are a pediatrician and three nurses. Nutrition is supervised by a dietitian.
Main program:
Children's recreation program "Bright people or interactive summer in Volzhanka" - is aimed at active developing leisure. The program is based on the development of intellectual, emotional, business, communicative, creative abilities of children and active-activity interaction with the surrounding world. A large network of circles on interests, a sports and recreation direction, a spiritual and moral aspect, the patriotic part of the program takes a big place. &Nbsp;
In "Volzhanka" carefully preserve the traditions of past years - holding rulers and bonfires, decorating detachments, meeting interesting people, etc. The modern tradition of the camp is hydrotherapy. In the dining room there is a drinking gallery, children take mineral water 3 times a day for half an hour before meals.
Day schedule:
8.30-water procedures,
10-treatment, mugs, sections,
16-afternoon snack,
16-treatment, mugs, classes,
18-free time,
20-disco, sports games,
22-night candles, sleep
Payment methods: |
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What to take with: |
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