Region: | Russia, Saint Petersburg (Sankt-Peterburg) |
Nearest city: | Sankt-Peterburg, 36 km |
Age: | for children 6 - 17 years old |
Address: | 188695, Leningradskaya oblast', Vsevolozhskiy rayon, p/o Vaskelovo, st. Lembolovo.
(on the map: address and route) |
Number of children: | 210 |
Start year of work: | 2009 |
Documents: |
Company: | Pioner |
Company registration number: | 7806486117 |
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The children's health camp " Pioneer " is located on 35 hectares of pine forest, in ecologically clean and picturesque place of the Karelian Isthmus, on the shore of Lake Lembolovskoe.
Children live in heated 2-storey brick buildings .. Rooms for 2, 3 and 6 seats. Toilets, wash basins, foot baths, hygienic showers are located on the floors. At night, on each floor there is a guard on duty. Shells are closed for the night. There is an external guard of the camp.
Rooms: | 2-6 bed room |
Facilities (toilet): | shared, on the floor |
Food: | 5-time |
Area: | 350 000 m2 |
concert hall, playground, gym, stadium, football field, basketball field, volleyball field
Security and health services:24-hour security is provided by a licensed security company.
Main program:
The program of recreation and recreation in the children's camp includes:
A lot of attention in the camp is paid to the organization and holding of traditional holidays for teenagers: Pushkin, Days of Jam &Day, Ivan Kupala Day, Beauty and Health Competitions, City of Masters, Days of Cinema, Music, Theater, Sports and Russian Games, Carnivals.
Children will be happy to play sports on the football field, volleyball, basketball, tennis courts. A library, a cinema, a music room with karaoke are constantly working.
This summer in the camp will be implemented author's health-education program " Commonwealth " . This program provides for joint creative activity of children and adults aimed at self-realization and self-development of children who have a rest, development of social skills and leadership qualities.
Shift schedule:
1 shift - from 01.06.16. to 21.06.16.
2 shifts - from 23.06.16. on July 13, 2004.
3 shifts - from 15.07.16. to 04.08.16.
4 shifts - from 06.08.16. to August 26, 2004.
Payment methods: |
Price included: |
Accommodation, transfer, meals, work of groups, developing program |
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Как проехать: On an electric train from the Finland Station (or Sm. Devyatkino) to the station Lembolovo. Direction St. Petersburg