"Большое содружество" - это детский международный сюжетно-языковой лагерь с десятилетней историей. За годы работы в России лагерь стал местом притяжения для тысяч детей из многих регионов России и зарубежных стран. С 2022 года "Большое содружество" открыло свои двери в Армении!
Whiters' House
Armenia, Kotayk'
Nearest city:
Tsahkadzor, 1 km
for children
6 - 17 years old
Respublika Armeniya, Kotayskaya oblast', Tsahkadzor
(on the map)
Transfer accompanied by an adult:
from Moskva, included in the price
Number of children:
Start year of work:
Documents for the contract:
Документ, удостоверяющий личность ребенка (свидетельство о рождении / паспорт)
Documents for participation in the camp program (provided at the time of departure):
Согласие на добровольное медицинское вмешательство
Оригинал документа, удостоверяющего личность несовершеннолетнего (для детей до 14 лет - заграничный паспорт обязательною для детей 14 лет и старше внутренний паспорт или заграничный паспорт)
Нотариальное согласие одного из родителей на выезд несовершеннолетнего за рубеж в составе организованной группы
Заполненная анкета на ребенка
Медицинская документация (справка для лагеря, справка об отсутствии контактов с инфекционными заболеваниями)
ООО "Объединенное Королевство Иваново"
Company registration number:
Certificate of registration in the unified federal register:
# РТО 021245 (you can check in the Unified Federal Register of Tour Operators www.russiatourism.ru/operators/)
Do you like this camp? Tell your friend
Программа «Большое содружество» проходит вблизи оздоровительного курорта Цахкадзор. Размещаемся на базе наших уважаемых партнеров - удобного, комфортного и гостеприимного отеля “Дом творчества писателей” с богатой историей, на высоте 1850 метров над уровнем моря. Расстояние до Цахкадзорской канатной дороги составляет 1,5 км. Расстояние до Еревана около 70 км. Идеальные климатические условия, живописный ландшафт создают невероятную картинку для отдыха детей.
2-4 местное
Facilities (toilet):
inside room
50 000 m2
concert hall, playground, gym, stadium, football field, basketball field, volleyball field, pool, dance hall
«Большое содружество» — это лингвистическая программа-страна для жителей в возрасте 6-17 лет, в котором на первом месте — дети и английский язык.
За время пребывания в "Большом содружестве" ребенок будет ежедневно заниматься английским языком в игровой форме, посещать мастер-классы, участвовать в постановке творческих номеров и выступлений.
На каждой из легад предусмотрена экскурсионная программа с посещением озера Севан и монастырей Севанаванк, а также города Анкаван с его древними достопримечательностями, часть из которых включена в перечень Всемирного наследия юнеско.
Day schedule:
8.45 Подъем, утренний туалет
9.00 – 9.15 Зарядка
9.30 – 10.00 Завтрак
10.00 – 10.30 Палата городов
10.30 – 12.00 Уроки иностранного языка
12.00 – 13.30 Дневные мероприятия (сюжетно ролевые игры, спортивные мероприятия, игры на свежем воздухе)
13.30 – 14.00 Обед
14.00 – 16.00 Тихий час
16.15 – 16.30 Полдник
16.30 – 18.00 Мастер-классы
18.00 – 19.30 Подготовка к вечернему Шоу
19.30 – 20.00 Ужин
20.00 – 21.45 Вечернее шоу мероприятие и дискотека
21.45 – 22.00 Второй ужин 5-е питание
22.00 – 22.45 Ламповое время
22.45 – 23.00 Подготовка ко сну (вечерний туалет)
22.00 Отбой для младших городов
23.00 Отбой для средних и старших городов
Payment methods:
bank invoice
by cash in company office
Payment to the camp is to be made at the price of booking on INCAMP.ME
with your discount
USD 20
Price included:
Проживание в комфортабельных номерах с удобствами
4-разовое питание по меню по системе "шведский стол"
Трансфер г. Ереван - лагерь - Ереван
Круглосуточное медицинское сопровождение
Программа лагеря
Not included in the price:
Трансфер до аэропорта вылета и обратно (для российских участников лагеря)
Перелет Москва - Ереван - Москва (для участников лагеря из России)
What to take with:
Предметы личной гигиены
Нижнее белье на каждый день
Резиновые тапочки для душа
Зубная паста и щетка
Шампунь, мочалка, мыло
Одежда и обувь для занятий спортом и игр на улицы
Зонт или дождевик
Минимум две пары обуви для улицы согласно сезону + комнатную обувь
Natal'ya Evgen'evna about «Ob,edinyonnoe Korolevstvo»
(girl 14 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
• Answer from camp
Здравствуйте, Наталья!
Благодарим Вас за оставленный отзыв! Приятно читать, что Вы оценили наш подход к программе лагеря, которая всегда сочетает в себе погружение ребенка в атмосферу взаимопонимания, творчества, получения новых знаний и, конечно, мы не забываем, что дети едут отдыхать в лагерь. Комментарий по питанию учтем при формировании меню на ближайшие легады. Спасибо за Ваше мнение! Большой привет Сандре и с нетерпением ждем ее снова)
Anna Evgen'evna about «Ob,edinyonnoe Korolevstvo»
(girl 12 years old
girl 13 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
• Answer from camp
Здравствуйте, Анна! Благодарим вас и Марию за оставленный отзыв. Нам очень важно ваше мнение и особенно мнение ребенка. Приятно ,что отметили уровень нашей программы и концепции лагеря. Мы стараемся делать каждую легаду уникальной и насыщенной, помогаем раскрываться жителю Объединённого королевства и сделать все возможное, чтобы ребенку было комфортно. Нам очень жаль, что питание и условия душа доставили вам неудобства. С наилучшими пожеланиями Вам и благодарностью, что стали частью нашего зимнего лагеря.
Irina Anatol'evna about «Ob,edinyonnoe Korolevstvo»
(girl 14 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
• Answer from camp
Здравствуйте, Ирина!
Очень рады вашему отзыву. Спасибо, что выбираете наш лагерь. Мы всегда работаем над вашими предложениями. Мнение по еде обязательно рассмотрим при планировании меню на следующие легады. С нетерпением ждем новых встреч!
Sergey Viktorovich about «Ob,edinyonnoe Korolevstvo»
(girl 10 years old
boy 10 years old)
+ Positive
1. Convenient location in a beautiful place in a forest zone;
2. The rooms are cozy. 2 people lived. the shower and the entire bathroom are in excellent condition (we have something to compare with);
3. The availability of sports fields;
4. The territory is clean;
5. Complete healthy nutrition. The child’s review is very positive. Oh, she doesn’t eat everything with us;
6. A very interesting and rich daily program for children, contests;
7. Cool evening shows and discos;
8. Balanced mode of use of gadgets;
9. The daughter brought a sea of crafts and prizes.
- Negative
we know that classes lasted 1.5 hours every day, but about English classes there were fewer reviews from the child.
• Answer from camp
Thank you very much for such a flattering review. English in our camp is really important, but not the main component of relaxation. Therefore, here your child is absolutely right) We are waiting for Shine in the summer!)
Inessa Georgievna about «Ob,edinyonnoe Korolevstvo»
(child 15 years old)
+ Positive
A 15-year-old child really liked the camp. The food is very good.
English lessons lang were interesting. Leisure is organized very well, it was not boring. The child really wants to go next year.
- Negative
2 weeks 1 shift is not enough, 3 weeks would be better. Since the 1st week is a fact-finding, to find friends, and the 2nd — everyone has already made friends, and it’s time to leave.
The bus from Moscow to the camp on a 6-hour bus is very tiring, it might be better to arrange a transfer from Moscow by train.
• Answer from camp
Inessa, thank you very much for your kind words and flattering feedback. Transfer is organized in the winter and in the off-season. In the summer, organizing a train transfer is extremely difficult and even almost impossible ((therefore, you have to carry buses.
Mariya Vladimirovna about «Ob,edinyonnoe Korolevstvo»
(girl 7 years old)
+ Positive
A small camp, a good security system, interesting programs, the camp management is always in touch, the food is good. Accommodation conditions are comfortable.
- Negative
Do not understand how eng. in the language of 2 weeks, the child did not bring a single word and the notebook remained empty.
• Answer from camp
Maria, thank you for your feedback! Safety and recreation for children is truly a priority for us. As for English, we will definitely analyze the lesson plans of the counselor whom Sophie studied.
Rimma Borisovna about «Ob,edinyonnoe Korolevstvo»
(girl 14 years old)
+ Positive
They were in the camp for the first time and did not regret that they chose the UK, although there is nothing to compare with, only the reviews of my friends.
The child is delighted! From ladies and lords. From the organization of leisure: khomtoki, rehearsals of scenes and the production of details for the show, master classes. From a friendly home environment.
The guys came with their musical instruments, shared their skills.
The territory of the camp is large, well-groomed, guarded. There are basketball and volleyball courts. Music is playing.
The food is varied, even the pickups did not go hungry.
I, as a parent, liked being picked up by cell phones.
I'd like to come back.
- Negative
For us, as having no personal transport, minus is the road to the camp - about 4 km from the Palekh Yuzha highway. But even in this there is a plus: walking in the forest and singing birds is wonderful!
If the camp is positioned as linguistic, I would like more language.
And you need a library.
• Answer from camp
Rimma Borisovna, thank you for your feedback! Your opinion is very important to us! We will try to take into account your wishes. We are waiting for further races!
Evgeniya Georgievna about «Ob,edinyonnoe Korolevstvo»
(girl 8 years old)
+ Positive
The child is delighted to ask again, since we have something to compare with in other camps.
- Negative
A lot of insects.
• Answer from camp
Thank you very much for your opinion about our camp! we really do everything so that rest in our camp is meaningful and safe! We will fight with insects in all legal ways))
Tat'yana about «Ob,edinyonnoe Korolevstvo»
(boy 13 years old)
+ Positive
Well organized shuttle to the camp. For this special thanks.
Leisure child liked. He called from there once every two days, since the rest of the time was occupied by detachments and events. In general, I definitely didn’t have to be bored!
Most importantly, the child arrived rested, contented. With new impressions.
And also very pleased with the price. Like it or not, and money is everything. So, in the "United Kingdom" for a very reasonable, adequate price, we received a full, good, high-quality rest.
Many thanks to all the organizers and counselor for this!
- Negative
For us, there was little English. (Four stars set only because of this). But this does not mean that it is a disadvantage. Most likely, it was we who lacked it.
• Answer from camp
Tatyana Alexandrovna, thank you for your feedback! We are waiting for the next races!
Alesya Vasil'evna about «Ob,edinyonnoe Korolevstvo»
(girl 14 years old)
+ Positive
All liked it! Neither the child nor the parents regretted the trip! On the contrary, the daughter makes plans for a new trip, and it is here!
I liked everything: from the arrangement of the camp and the program to the attitude of the staff towards the child.
- Negative
Minus one is trays instead of showers. But in general, this fact had no effect on the rest as a whole.
• Answer from camp
Alesya Mikhailovna, thank you for your feedback! Your opinion is very important to us! We are waiting for the child on further races!
Natal'ya Nikolaevna about «Ob,edinyonnoe Korolevstvo»
(girl 9 years old)
+ Positive
Were the first time in the camp. Of course there were experiences — like a child one first time, but all the excitements were in vain. Autumn holidays were a great success! Impressions of the sea! Already plans for the summer! Thank you very much for the excellent organization of children's activities!
- Negative
There are no flaws.
• Answer from camp
Natalia Nikolaevna! thank you so much for your flattering review! Thank you for your trust! We are waiting for the next races!