by 12 reviews
This summer will be a unique event. Participants aged 10 to 17 years from all over Russia will gather on the Black Sea coast to compete for victory in a tournament called Dota 2 Junior League with a total prize pool of more than 1,000,000 r.
Base: | |
Region: | Russia, Krasnodarskiy kray |
Nearest city: | Anapa, 14 km |
Age: | for children 10 - 17 years old |
Address: | Krasnodarskiy kray, g-k.Anapa, p.Sukko, ul.Vinogradnaya, d.1
(on the map) |
Transfer accompanied by an adult: | from Moskva |
Number of children: | 100 |
Start year of work: | 2015 |
Documents for the contract: |
Documents for participation in the camp program (provided at the time of departure): |
- ваучер или обменная путевка (при наличии); - 2 копии свидетельства о рождении (или паспорта), - заявление от родителя (законного представителя) несовершеннолетнего отдыхающего по установленной форме, - Согласие (или доверенность) от родителей (законного представителя) в пользу третьих лиц, заверенное нотариально или должностным лицом органа опеки и попечительства, на вывоз ребенка из лагеря по окончании смены в случае, если забирать ребенка из лагеря будет не родитель (законный представитель) и не сопровождающий организованной группы, а иное лицо (образец согласия приведен в Приложение № 6). - медицинская справка о состоянии здоровья по форме 079/У. Оформляется в поликлинике по месту жительства, с заключением врача о состоянии здоровья ребенка и только при отсутствии медицинских противопоказаний к направлению ребенка в лагерь (действительна 3 месяца). - сведения об имеющихся прививках (информация указывается в справке 079у, либо в отдельной справке, либо предоставляется копия прививочного сертификата). ВНИМАНИЕ! В составе сведений о прививках обязательно должна быть информация о реакции манту не более чем 1-но летней давности. В случае отсутствия сведений о реакции манту или отказе от прививок, необходимо предоставить заключение фтизиатра, результаты флюорографии. - Справка об отсутствии контакта с инфекционными больными (о санитарно-эпидемиологическом окружении) - выдается медицинской организацией по месту жительства, действительна 3 дня. - копия свидетельства о рождении (или паспорта), - копия полиса обязательного медицинского страхования (ОМС), - Заполненное родителями (законным представителем) несовершеннолетнего отдыхающего информированное добровольное согласие на медицинское вмешательство по установленной форме. |
Company: | ООО "Центр "Аврора" |
Company registration number: | 9715374441 |
Certificate of registration in the unified federal register: | # РТО 014488 (you can check in the Unified Federal Register of Tour Operators |
Do you like this camp? Tell your friend |
Between the sea and the Utrish juniper grove.
Accommodation in buildings or cottages. Cottage-type houses: 1-2 storey buildings, each house is designed for one detachment, in a room of about 3-6 people, amenities on the floor. A 3-4 n story building with buildings with room amenities or per block of two rooms.
For washing personal belongings basins and powder are given out, counselors help younger children.
There are no outlets in the bedrooms. Phones charge counselors.
In 600 meters from the camp own small pebble beach is located. Equipped with awnings, changing rooms, bathrooms. The entrance to the sea is shallow, the bathing area is fenced with buoys. &Nbsp;
Rooms: | 4-6-seater |
Facilities (toilet): | inside room |
Food: | 5 times |
Area: | 70 000 m2 |
beach, concert hall, playground, gym, stadium, football field, basketball field, volleyball field, dance hall
Security and health services:The children's camp has its own medical department, where the clock is on duty. Perhaps outpatient and inpatient care in mild cases. In case of serious injuries and serious health condition, the patient will be hospitalized in the city hospital of Anapa. All children for the period of stay in the camp are insured in the direction: medical insurance (medical policy). Accident insurance is offered for an extra charge.
Main program:
The competition will be held for 6 shifts, each lasting 2 weeks.
Teams will be formed on the basis of the statistics of the games of the participants, as well as the age of the athletes. For 2 weeks each participant will live on the Black Sea coast, train under the guidance of experienced gamers, attend master classes from professional coaches and fight rivals from their age groups, earning rating points for themselves and their factions.
This truly marathon competition will be organized in the format of a children's camp, which will make the life of the participants full of live communication, unforgettable emotions and will not be limited to playing Dota 2.
The entire camp shift will be imbued with the spirit of the game, participants will have themed quests, cosplay and much more. Also for everyone will be open classes web-design and smm.
Due to the active coverage of Dota Junior league on the Internet, for the most brilliant gamers there will be a unique opportunity to become famous in the Russian DotA community. Dota 2 Camp is the first cyber-sports event in Russia among juniors of this level and a great opportunity to take the first steps in cyber-sports and to make a statement seriously.
Dota 2 Camp is not limited to cyber sports, because the time spent in the children's camp on the Black Sea coast is a separate, unlikely world filled with vivid impressions, a lot of new acquaintances and new friends from all over Russia. The camp is the sun and the sea. The best counselors and mass entertainment. A great opportunity to engage in creativity and try yourself in various endeavors.
All participants of the competition will be awarded with the corporate attributes in the style of Dota 2.
Teams winning the tournament will be awarded with high-quality gaming equipment from Razer. The best gamer, at the end of each shift, will become the owner of the main prize Iphone 7
Also, following the results of each shift, winners will be revealed in the following nominations: Best Leader, Best Support, Best Carey and Audience Award.
Dota 2 Camp is not limited to cyber sports, because the time spent in the children's camp on the Black Sea coast is a separate, unlikely world filled with vivid impressions, lots of new acquaintances and new friends from all over Russia. The camp is the sun and the sea. The best counselors and mass entertainment. A great opportunity to engage in creativity and try yourself in various endeavors.
Day schedule:
8:00 - 8:15 - - getting up, time for personal hygiene
8:15 - 8:30 - charging
8:30 - 9: 00 - breakfast
9: 00-10: 00 - sports hour, mugs
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM - Dota 2 DCJL matches
13:00 - 13:30 - Lunch
13:30 - 14: 00 - squad gathering / analysis of past matches for Dota 2
14:00 - 15:45 - quiet time (for older children, additional Dota 2 workshops, web-design, smm)
3:45 pm - 4:00 pm - afternoon snack
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm - Sea
6:00 pm - 6:30 pm - Dinner
18:30 - 19:30 - Dota 2 master classes, web-design, smm
19:30 - 20:30 - evening event
20:30 - 20: 40 - dream book
20:40 - 21:30 - disco
21:30 - 22: 15 - communication with the coach, planning for tomorrow's Dota2 matches
22: 15-22: 30 - evening party gathering / preparing for bed
22: 30 - Hang up
Payment methods: |
Price included: |
Not included in the price: |
What to take with: |
• 3-4 футболки (майки, рубашки); • 8 трусов; • 5-6 пар носок; • 2 головных убора; • носовые платки; • одежда для дискотек; • плащ с капюшоном от дождя; • спортивный костюм; • удобная обувь для походов и спорта; • 2 пары легкой обуви; • купальные принадлежности; • полотенце и подстилка для пляжа; • банное полотенце; • мешок для грязного белья; • ручка, тетрадь или записная книжка. Не рекомендуется брать ребенку в лагерь: аудио- и видеотехнику, мобильные телефоны, дорогую одежду, обувь и парфюмерию, ювелирные украшения. |
15 october 2024
Evgeniy Igorevich about «Vita» (girl 13 years old & girl 12 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
13 september 2024
Elena Nikolaevna about «Detskiy ozdorovitel'nyiy lager' "Yenergetik"» (girl 16 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
02 september 2024
Viktorovich Mandrovskiy about «Detskiy ozdorovitel'nyiy lager' "Yenergetik"» (boy 14 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
18 august 2024
Natal'ya Sergeevna about «Art-kvest» (girl 11 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
• Answer from camp
15 august 2024
Ol'ga Mihaylovna about «DOK "Morskaya Zvezda". Teatral'nyie kanikulyi» (girl 15 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
11 august 2024
Kseniya Evgen'evna about «Detskiy ozdorovitel'nyiy lager' "Yenergetik"» (boy 11 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
11 august 2024
Lyudmila Viktorovna about «Detskiy ozdorovitel'nyiy lager' "Yenergetik"» (girl 15 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
10 august 2024
Yuliya Georgievna about «Detskiy ozdorovitel'nyiy lager' "Yenergetik"» (girl 16 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
02 august 2024
Mar'yana Evgen'evna about «Detskiy ozdorovitel'nyiy lager' "Yenergetik"» (boy 12 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
01 august 2024
Elena Abramovna about «Detskiy ozdorovitel'nyiy lager' "Yenergetik"» (child 16 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
01 august 2024
Tat'yana Vladimirovna about «Detskiy ozdorovitel'nyiy lager' "Yenergetik"» (girl 15 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
26 july 2024
E.a. about «DOL "Start Yenerdzhi"» (girl 13 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
24 july 2024
Sergey Valer'evich about «SE CAMP»
+ Positive
- Negative
18 july 2024
Kristina Evgen'evna about «Detskiy ozdorovitel'nyiy lager' sanatornogo tipa "Niva"» (boy 13 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
04 july 2024
Lev Nikolaevich about «DOL "Start Yenerdzhi"» (girl 14 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
• Answer from camp
25 june 2024
Olesya about «Detskiy ozdorovitel'nyiy lager' sanatornogo tipa "Niva"» (girl 10 years old & girl 9 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
21 september 2023
Vladimirovna Safonova about «Detskiy ozdorovitel'nyiy lager' "Yenergetik"» (girl 8 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
11 september 2023
Anzhela about «Vita» (boy 15 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
04 september 2023
Olesya Andreevna about «Detskiy ozdorovitel'nyiy lager' "Yenergetik"» (girl 12 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
03 september 2023
Glushchenko about camp program «Kibersportivnyiy lager'» (boy 15 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
01 september 2023
Mariya Stanislavovna about camp program «Kibersportivnyiy lager'» (child 13 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
05 august 2023
Mihaylovna Kasatkina about camp program «Kibersportivnyiy lager'» (boy 12 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
19 july 2023
Zoya Iosifovna about camp program «Kibersportivnyiy lager'» (boy 12 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
19 july 2023
Kseniya Viktorovna about camp program «Kibersportivnyiy lager'» (boy 15 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
27 july 2022
Valentina about camp program «Kibersportivnyiy lager'» (boy 14 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
12 november 2021
Elena about camp program «Kibersportivnyiy lager'» (girl 13 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
26 october 2021
Marina Vital'evea about camp program «Kibersportivnyiy lager'» (girl 12 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
02 september 2021
Irina about camp program «Kibersportivnyiy lager'» (boy 13 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
02 september 2021
Marina Vladimirovna about camp program «Kibersportivnyiy lager'»
+ Positive
- Negative
02 september 2021
Tat'yana Aleksandrovna about camp program «Kibersportivnyiy lager'» (boy 12 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
25 august 2021
Nina Vasil'evna about camp program «Kibersportivnyiy lager'» (boy 13 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
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from $ 663,- DOL "Zori Anapyi" ot turoperatora "Dial-tur" (Anapa, Russia) |