Region: | Austria, Salzburg |
Nearest city: | Sankt-Yohan, 8 km |
Age: | for children 9 - 13 years old |
Address: | Wagrain, Österreich
(on the map: address and route) |
Number of children: | 45 |
Start year of work: | 2010 |
Documents: |
Company: | Discovery club. Language camp for children |
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Accommodation in a special children's hotel with a view of the mountains.
The hotel has two types of rooms:
Type 1 (4 children per room). Room with four separate single beds. The total area of the room is 35 sq.m. Each bedroom has its own bathroom with shower.
Accomodation type: | 1 building |
Rooms: | 4-seater |
Food: | 3-time |
Area: | 20 000 m2 |
concert hall, playground, gym, stadium, volleyball field, pool
Security and health services:The hotel is guarded around the clock. Medical care is provided by insurance.
Main program:
The camp program includes 5 blocks:
1. Sport (Sportsman)
Purpose: Graft love to sports, healthy lifestyle, active leisure
Problem: Developing physical abilities with sports programs
2. Discovery (Tourist)
Purpose: Getting skills in tourism: the basics of tourism, the basis of survival, first aid. Active rest: cycling, hiking, exploring trips
The task: Teach children the basics of tourism, instill a love for an active lifestyle. Teach your child to ride a bicycle, rollerblading, go hiking, survive in difficult conditions
3. Traveling
Purpose: Cognitive and exciting activities aimed at obtaining useful and important information. Excursion program. Environmental program. Cultural life and history of the country.
Problem: Bring important information about the country, region, show the main attractions and places of interest. Being an explorer and traveler
4. Language
Purpose: Language program. Classes with native speakers. Practical course
Problem: In practical exercises with native speakers, situational models are worked out, role blocks are played.
5. Trophy
Objective: We develop skills of gathering and ability to get ourselves food, get acquainted with the ecology of places of stay. This program is included in the Discovery and Traveling programs.
Problem: Teach children to understand the flora and fauna of places of stay. Teach children the skills of gathering and extracting. Ecology and modern life
Day schedule:
8-45 Lifting
9-00 Charging
9-25 Morning dawn. Announcing tasks and plans for the day
from 9-30 up to 10-00 Breakfast
10-10 Charges, preparation of equipment and equipment
10-30 Travel, adventure, hiking
12-30 Return to Camp
from 13-00 up to 14-00 Lunch
from 14-00 up to 14-30 Recreation
14-30 Charges, preparation of equipment and equipment
from 15-00 to 16-45 Hiking, adventure, outdoor games
c 16-45 up to 17-15 Charges, preparation of equipment and equipment
from 17-15 to 18-00 Academy of Natural Sciences FIRST LIGHT. Classroom activities
from 18-00 up to 19-00 Dinner
from 19-00 up to 20-00 Sports and entertainment program
from 20-00 to 20-45 Disco / Film Show / Newsreel
20-45 Ruler
21-00 Outbound
Payment methods: |
Price included: |
Not included in the price: |
What to take with: |
Clothes are comfortable and practical. It is advisable to have two types of clothes for warm weather (compare the temperature of June 25 degrees Celsius), for evening walks and light clothes for the street.
31 july 2015
Alena about «YANGEE. Yazyikovoy lager' aktivnogo otdyiha» (boy 7 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
• Answer from camp
Как проехать: the nearest major airport is Munich - 200 km, Salzburg Airport - 60 km., Vienna - 300 km.