Region: | Finland, Ita-Suomen laani (fi) |
Nearest city: | Savonlinna, 45 km |
Age: | for children 9 - 13 years old |
Address: | Finland, Rantasalmi, Porosalmi, 313
(on the map: address and route) |
Number of children: | 45 |
Start year of work: | 2010 |
Documents: |
Company: | Discovery Club First Light. Suomi |
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This is not forgotten! Wherever the Discovery club looks, we always try to stay in the wake of picturesque nature, rivers, lakes, exciting hikes and the atmosphere of childlike carefree fun, which from the first day is passed from children to their parents. Discovery club is unique in that both children and parents return home with the feeling that they have rested and received a charge of vivacity for several months in advance.
Accomodation type: | 1 building |
Rooms: | 2-3 local with amenities |
Food: | 3-time |
Area: | 600 000 m2 |
playground, gym, stadium, volleyball field, pool
Security and health services:Finland is a safe country
Main program:
The camp program includes 5 blocks:
1. Sport (Sportsman)
Purpose: Encourage love for sports, healthy lifestyles, active recreation
Task : Developing physical abilities with sports programs
2. Discovery (Tourist)
Purpose: Getting skills in tourism: the basics of tourism, the basis of survival, first aid. Active rest: cycling, hiking, exploring trips
Problem : Teach children the basics of tourism, instill a love for an active lifestyle. Teach your child to ride a bicycle, rollerblading, go hiking, survive in difficult conditions
Aim: Cognitive and exciting activities aimed at obtaining useful and important information. Excursion program. Environmental program. Cultural life and history of the country.
Problem : Bring important information about the country, region, show the main attractions and places of interest. Being an explorer and traveler
Goal: The language program. Classes with native speakers. Practical course
Problem : In practical exercises with native speakers, situational models are worked out, role blocks are played.
Aim: We develop skills of gathering and ability to get ourselves food, get acquainted with the ecology of places of stay. This program is included in the Discovery and Traveling programs.
Problem : Teach children to understand the flora and fauna of their places of stay. Teach children the skills of gathering and extracting. Ecology and modern life
Day schedule:
8-45 Lifting
9-00 Charging
9-25 Morning dawn. Announcing tasks and plans for the day
from 9-30 up to 10-00 Breakfast
10-10 Charges, preparation of equipment and equipment
10-30 Travel, adventure, hiking
12-30 Return to Camp
from 13-00 up to 14-00 Lunch
from 14-00 up to 14-30 Rest
14-30 Charges, preparation of equipment and equipment
from 15-00 to 16-45 Hiking, adventure, outdoor games
c 16-45 up to 17-15 Fees, preparation of equipment and equipment
from 17-15 to 18-00 Academy of Natural Sciences FIRST LIGHT. Classroom activities
from 18-00 before 19-00 Dinner
from 19-00 up to 20-00 Sports and entertainment program
from 20-00 up to 20-45 Disco / Film Show / Newsreel
20-45 Ruler
21-00 Outbound
Payment methods: |
Price included: |
Accommodation in a cottage or villa (comfortable houses of 250-270 sq.m with a living room and 2 or 5 bedrooms, with a sauna, a fireplace, with a view of the lake), all camp program (for adults and children), 1 excursion; 3 meals a day in the « buffet » ice rent; all active activities for the camp program, games room, sauna, solarium, sauna (for parents), group transfer (bus) from the airport to the hotel from the city of Helsinki, Internet services in the room and the hotel. |
Not included in the price: |
flight, visa and fees, insurance, extra. excursions (if necessary) |
What to take with: |
31 july 2015
Alena about «YANGEE. Yazyikovoy lager' aktivnogo otdyiha» (boy 7 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
• Answer from camp
Как проехать: Transport accessibility by car: 300 km. from St. Petersburg 300 km. from Helsinki 10 km. from Ra