by 6 reviews
Base: | Dok "Sputnik" |
Region: | Russia, Rostovskaya oblast' |
Nearest city: | Taganrog, 35 km |
Age: | for children 7 - 17 years old |
Address: | Rostovskaya obl., s. Natal'evka, ul. Chehova, 224
(on the map) |
Documents: |
Note – important! If you have a spa – resort card, the child will receive recommended medical procedures. |
Company: | ООО "Лодос" |
Company registration number: | 9103012011 |
Certificate of registration in the unified federal register: | # РТО 018441 (you can check in the Unified Federal Register of Tour Operators |
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Location: DOK " Sputnik " is located 35 km from the city of Taganrog and 90 km from the city of Rostov – on – Don in the village. Natalievka Neklinovsky district of the Rostov region, which is part of the group of the main health regions of the country. The camp is surrounded by the sea, covers an area of 9 hectares and is far from city smog and noise. The DOK is a unique park area with a large number of different types of trees directly on the shores of the Sea of Azov, on the first line 50 meters from the sea. &Nbsp;
Accommodation: For children, there are separate sleeping rooms with 8-10-12 beds with private facilities (shower, washbasin, toilet) in the room or on the floor. All rooms are equipped with new beds, a wardrobe, bedside tables, a table and chairs. Each child has a bedding set.
Meals: 5 meals a day in 2- stationary spacious dining rooms. In the canteens installed filters for water purification to comply with the round-the-clock drinking regime. There is a children's cafe with a wide selection of confectionery, ice cream, soft drinks.
Beach: First line, 50 m from the sea. DOCK " Satellite " – it is more than 1000 square meters. m of golden sea sand. Sea bathing is carried out in designated sectors under the supervision of swimming instructors – lifeguards and medical worker. Bathing is carried out daily according to the daily routine. For children who cannot swim, swimming training groups are organized. The beach is equipped with shade canopies and changing cabins.
Rooms: | 8-10-12 seater |
Facilities (toilet): | inside room |
Food: | 5 times |
Area: | 90 000 m2 |
beach, concert hall, playground, football field, basketball field, volleyball field, diagnostic base 500m treadmill, gymnastic complex, streetball playing field, specialized sports field with sports flooring (elastur)
Security and health services:
Medical care is provided by a pediatrician and paramedical personnel, who monitor the health of children on a daily basis throughout the camp shift in a specially equipped center equipped with the necessary medicines and medical equipment. In urgent cases, hospitalization is carried out to the Taganrog children's multidisciplinary city hospital on duty vehicles.
The camp area is guarded around the clock.
Main program:
Discover talents! The functioning of the camp is provided by the work of studios, sections and circles:
Teaches children the logic, thinking and skills of playing checkers and chess.
In the dance halls, children learn the dances of the peoples of the world, also study modern choreography and everyone’s favorite camp dances.
This is the introduction of the child to the world of beauty through acquaintance with the works of nature and art, teaching the basic visual techniques and techniques.
Will teach primary acting skills, the guys will study in detail all aspects of theatrical productions and life backstage.
Develops children's attention, fine motor skills and a desire to work on the beautiful.
Water, sand, figures animals and people, objects can help each child open up, express their emotions and feelings, which are sometimes difficult to convey in words.
It contains a lot of books with stories, stories about sailors, pirates and princesses. Everyone can choose a book to their liking and enjoy the adventures on its pages.
Day schedule:
8: 00-8: 45 – lifting (morning hygiene procedures, morning exercises)
8: 45-9: 30 – breakfast
9: 30-11: 30 – beach, carrying out camp and team programs, outdoor outdoor games, studio classes
11: 30-12: 45 – music, sports, studio classes
12: 30-13: 15 – lunch
13: 15-14: 00 – outpatient visits to the medical room
14: 00-16: 00 – day rest
16: 00-16: 15 – afternoon tea
16: 30-18: 00 – beach, carrying out camp and team programs; classes in the studios; music, sports, competitions, quizzes, competitions.
Shift schedule:
The first stage of the shift – organizational period that lasts 3 days. During this period, measures are being taken to adapt children, to get acquainted with the camp and with each other. The main activities are:
The next stage of the shift – The main period lasts 15 days. During this period are:
The final period lasts for the last 3 days of the shift. The period includes:
The following forms of work with children are used in shifts:
Payment methods: |
Price included: |
Not included in the price: |
Transfer with escort:
What to take with: |
Personal hygiene items and items Clothing :
Personal hygiene:
Baggage to the camp:
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Nataliya Yaroslavovna about «DOL "Sputnik"» (girl 13 years old)
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Nataliya Yaroslavovna about camp program «DOL "Sputnik"» (girl 14 years old)
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Svetlana Olegovna about camp program «DOL "Sputnik"» (girl 12 years old)
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+ Positive
- Negative
• Answer from camp