Region: | United Kingdom, Cambridgeshire |
Nearest city: | Kembridzh |
Age: | for children 13 - 17 years old |
Address: | Kembridzh
(on the map) |
Transfer: | from Moskva |
Number of children: | 7 |
Start year of work: | 2000 |
Documents: |
Required documents for obtaining a visa:
Warning! All documents submitted must be accompanied by a literal translation into English and be certified by an interpreter! All translations must be submitted together with the originals. The document with the translation should contain the following information:
Company: | Insight. EC |
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There are two options for placement:
Accommodation in double rooms, meals – full board. Families are located 30-50 minutes by land transport from school. Change of linen, towels, and laundry services are provided once a week. The rooms have a bed, a wardrobe and a study area.
Accommodation takes place in one or two-bed rooms, where there is a sink, a wardrobe, a desk with a desk lamp, an armchair, a mirror. The convenience on the floor. Students are provided with linen, towels, laundry services. Power – full board. Students are provided with linen (towels, please bring with them), laundry services.
Accomodation type: | 1 building |
Rooms: | Double room |
Food: | Full board |
Area: | 0 m2 |
Medical insurance
Main program:
English: Classes are held simultaneously by 2 teachers to develop a better understanding and perception of speech by ear. The course includes 20/30 English lessons per week + a program of daytime, evening, entertainment and sightseeing activities. Extra charge for intensive 151 € / week.
Entertaining activities: bowling, karaoke, beach volleyball, disco, movie viewing.
Excursions: 1 half-day excursion, 1 full-day excursion for 2 weeks London, Oxford, Portsmouth
Payment methods: |
Price included: |
Not included in the price: |
14 august 2013
Ol'ga Aleksandrovna about «Insayt.Shkola na more» (girl 15 years old & girl 15 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
• Answer from camp