Region: | Finland, Etela-Suomen laani (fi) |
Nearest city: | Imatra, 4 km |
Age: | for children 6 - 17 years old |
Address: | Kohonkankaantie 95, 55420, g. Imatra
(on the map) |
Number of children: | 40 |
Start year of work: | 2014 |
Company: | Edu Chess. Chess fees with the participation of the grandmaster! |
Company registration number: | 5322015515 |
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Accommodation at resort center of Saim 4 * in hotel « HolidayClubSaima » in DBL twin rooms, in Vilas apartments.
Rooms: | 2-3 local |
Facilities (toilet): | inside room |
Food: | breakfasts |
Area: | 100 000 m2 |
playground, gym, stadium
Security and health services:
24 hours a day, our leader groups provide a great mood, a friendly atmosphere, discipline, attention and care for each participant.
A certified medical sister (24-hour stay with children).
For every 10 children at least 1 childcare specialist.
Main program:
Everybody knows that chess — This is an individual sport, in which personal skills and experience play a decisive role. However, very few people know that it is classes in the group that are productive and interesting for beginning chess players.
Group classes at the EduChess camp help young chess players learn the basics of the game, learn the basic combinations, regularly play with peers in a warm, friendly atmosphere. Our teachers are not only available and fascinating explain the theory, but also successfully consolidate knowledge in practice.
Learning the chess game: 10-15 lessons of 50 minutes under the program "EduChess » *
School Certificate at the end of the course
Participation in the tournament “ EduChessFinland 2016 ”
Simultaneous game with grandmaster
Excursion and entertainment:
Cirque de Saimaa Water Park
Angry Birds Activity Park
Daily animation program for the whole festival (every evening - a special program)
Master classes and Entertaining Science
Chess Musical (New!)
And many more – many interesting things await us in this journey!
While children are keen on pursuits, parents can also spend time with benefit and relaxation! Here are just a few options:
Visit the world of saunas and the Harmony Spa
Spend an evening at a great company at BowlCircus Bowling Center
Skating on the multifunctional ice arena
Try to play tennis!
Visit the famous hotel-chateau " Valtionhotelli " in the Imatra, which was chosen the most beautiful building in Finland in 2014
And also at your disposal: a gym, a huge hotel area on the shore of the beautiful Lake Saimaa for walking and outdoor activities, an 18 hole golf course, billiards, table tennis and much more!
* The program of chess fees EduChess is designed for children of different levels of the game. The classes are designed in such a way that each child can get the optimal amount of knowledge and skills necessary for future development. Several coaches are involved, who will oversee their groups of children.
There are 3 hours of lessons per day for children of 7-13 years: 2 hours of chess are held by the grandmaster. Another hour – EduChess teachers.
For children aged 3-6, 2 chess lessons are included in the program every day.
Payment methods: |
Price included: |
Not included in the price: |
- Transfer to the resort We propose to go on a friendly company by train &la Tolstoy »: There: Moscow-Vainikkala, October 28 Departure from the Leningrad station at 19:53. Arrive at 5:29 am. Further transfer to the hotel. Back: Transfer hotel-railway station. Vainikkala-Moscow, November 4. Departure is at 21:22. Arrival to Moscow at 9:19. - Visa (an invitation is sent if necessary) |
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