Region: | Austria, Salzburg |
Nearest city: | Mariapfar, 15 km |
Age: | for children 10 - 15 years old |
Address: | Österreich, Fanning 285, 5571 Mariapfarr
(on the map: address and route) |
Number of children: | 50 |
Start year of work: | 1950 |
Documents: |
Visa is issued by clients independently. The camp sends confirmation of meetings, accommodation, wires and insurance. |
Company: | Charlie. English Camp |
Company registration number: | 7736560082 |
Do you like this camp? Tell your friend |
Depending on the age of participants and their basic level of English proficiency, the English in Action program is conducted in one of the three Young Austria Guest Houses: Carinth, Salszburgerhof or Simonyhof.
Accommodation and food:
Pension Carinth |
Hostel Salszburgerhof |
Simonyhof Guesthouse |
Accomodation type: | 1 building |
Rooms: | 4-6 bedded, with private facilities |
Facilities (toilet): | inside room |
Food: | 3-time |
Area: | 30 000 m2 |
concert hall, playground, gym, football field, basketball field, volleyball field
Security and health services:insurance, a hospital of European level no more than 30 km. from the guesthouse.
Main program:
Classes are divided into the following main areas:
At the beginning of stay in the camp, the level of knowledge of the participants in the English language is being clarified, with the aim of forming groups in which the children would feel most comfortable and get the maximum benefit (and pleasure!) from classes.
In our free time, the program is full of colorful and diverse activities: amazing mountain bike routes, swimming, beach volleyball, orienteering, hiking, football ...
And in the evenings the children are waited with bright shows, discos, evenings by the fire ...
Payment methods: |
Price included: |
Not included in the price: |
* Flights arriving and departing between 9-00 and 16-00, in case the flight arrives / takes off not in the specified period, as well as the price of the transfer from other airports (Vienna, Salzburg), request information in addition. |
19 july 2018
Zhanna D. about «ChARLI. Ta Storona gde Veter...» (boy 9 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
• Answer from camp
Как проехать: The plane to Munich / from Munich, then - the camp bus. The price of meeting-wires at the airport and transfer - 250 euro (in both directions)