by 1 review
Base: | Domovina |
Region: | Czech Republic, |
Nearest city: | Praga, 140 km |
Age: | for children 9 - 18 years old |
Address: | Okružní 186, 543 51 Špindlerův Mlýn
(on the map) |
Number of children: | 180 |
Start year of work: | 2014 |
Company: | Fenix Camp |
Company registration number: | 06973493 |
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Members of our camp are located in a cozy three-star hotel in 4 minutes' walk from the center of Spindleruv Mlyn.
Rooms: | 2-4 beds |
Facilities (toilet): | inside room |
Food: | 3-time |
Area: | 40 000 m2 |
concert hall, playground, gym, football field, basketball field, volleyball field, tennis court
Security and health services:24-hour security, 24-hour medical assistance
Main program:
Mountain biking, biking, downhill on high-speed scooters, rock climbing of varying complexity, flyboarding, wakeboarding, go-karting, paintball, flinx-fox, geo-quest, hiking.
Language classes every day, except for sightseeing days, from 9:00 to 13:00.
Day schedule:
7:00 Charging
8:00 Breakfast
9:00 Language training / sports activities for the sport program
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Main sports program (depends on the day)
18:00 Dinner
19:00 Cultural and entertainment program
21:00 Candle (Summing up the day)
21:30 Ending
Shift schedule:
July 1-14
1. Opening of the shift, evening « Meet! &Raquo ;, grill
2. Adventure park (jumping from a tarp, climbing wall, archery)
3. Cyclourry on bicycles around the reserve 14 km
4. Trip to Prague for karting (the best Czech karto)
5. Flyinfoks, rock-climbing, high-speed descent on scooters
6. Free day (day to choose)
7. Flight to FLYBOARD, beach volleyball, puddle board
8. Rock climbing ESPRIT and high-speed descent on scooters
9. Descent on mountain bikes 18 km with a lift
10. Excursion to Hradec Kralov - ZOO SAFARI
11. Trekking on the mountain "SNOW" (The highest point in the Czech Republic)
12. Free day (day to choose)
13. Paintball on the closed area. End of shift (evening with grill)
14. Departure
July 16-29
16. Opening of the shift, evening "Acquaintance", grill
17. Adventure park (jumping from the tarp, climbing wall, archery)
18. Mountain biking in the reserve (+ a small freeride for the experienced)
19. Trip to Prague (excursions, walks in the center)
20. Flainefoks, rock-climbing, high-speed descent on scooters
21. Paintball on the closed platform
22. Descent on mountain bikes 18 km with a lift
23. Rafting (descent by river on boats)
24. Free day (the day to choose)
25. Rock climbing ESPRIT and high-speed descent on scooters
26. Trekking in the mountains " Border with Poland " (fry the sausages, look at the stars)
27. Mountain biking &la pump pump &
28. WAKEPARK (wakeboard ride)
29 Departure
August 1-14
1. Opening of the shift, evening « Meet! &Raquo ;, grill
2. Adventure park (jumping from a tarp, climbing wall, archery)
3. Cyclourry on bicycles around the reserve 14 km
4. Trip to Prague for karting (the best Czech karto)
5. Flyinfoks, rock-climbing, high-speed descent on scooters
6. Free day (day to choose)
7. Flight to FLYBOARD, beach volleyball, puddle board
8. Rock climbing ESPRIT and high-speed descent on scooters
9. Descent on mountain bikes 18 km with a lift
10. Excursion to Hradec Kralov - ZOO SAFARI
11. Trekking on the mountain "SNOW" (The highest point in the Czech Republic)
12. Free day (day to choose)
13. Paintball on the closed area. End of shift (evening with grill)
14. Departure
August 16-29
16. Opening of the shift, evening "Acquaintance", grill
17. Adventure park (jumping from the tarp, climbing wall, archery)
18. Mountain biking in the reserve (+ a small freeride for the experienced)
19. Trip to Prague (excursions, walks in the center)
20. Flainefoks, rock-climbing, high-speed descent on scooters
21. Paintball on the closed platform
22. Descent on mountain bikes 18 km with a lift
23. Rafting (descent by river on boats)
24. Free day (the day to choose)
25. Rock climbing ESPRIT and high-speed descent on scooters
26. Trekking in the mountains " Border with Poland " (fry the sausages, look at the stars)
27. Mountain biking &la pump pump &
28. WAKEPARK (wakeboard ride)
29 Departure
Note: The program and the order of events may vary depending on weather conditions and other factors.
Language classes every day, except for sightseeing days, from 9:00 to 13:00.
Video about camp:
Payment methods: |
Price included: |
Not included in the price: |
What to take with: |
Mandatory: Clothes (sports summer, warm, raincoat, hat) Sunglasses Shoes (for running, for bicycles (preferably without laces, but not necessarily)) A bottle for water (better than 0.7 l) Backpack (preferably bicycle, with water supply, but can be simple) Melting (swimming shorts)
What is not required: Bicycle helmet (in case of absence, will be issued free of charge) Gloves for bicycles
10 july 2019
Elena Evgen'evna about «FENIX CAMP» (boy 13 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
16 january 2019
Tat'yana Veniaminovna about «Fenix Camp» (boy 12 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
15 january 2019
Ol'ga Gennad'evna about «Fenix Camp» (boy 17 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
• Answer from camp
10 july 2019
Elena Evgen'evna about camp program «FENIX CAMP» (boy 13 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative