Region: | Austria, Salzburg |
Nearest city: | Mariapfar, 15 km |
Age: | for children 9 - 16 years old |
Address: | Österreich, Fanning 285, 5571 Mariapfarr
(on the map: address and route) |
Number of children: | 50 |
Start year of work: | 1950 |
Documents: |
If there is not a Schengen visa in the current passport, it is necessary to provide XEROcopy pages of the old foreign passport with all Schengen visas + photocopy of the photo page. If the child did not have a foreign passport before, it is necessary to write a statement in a free form stating that this is the first foreign passport. If you submitted your previous passport to OVIR or the Foreign Ministry, you must write a statement in free form stating that it was exchanged for a new one. A notarized authorization from both parents for a temporary unaccompanied departure from the Russian Federation (the date of the change) to the Schengen countries, including the Republic of Austria. If you have chosen an air flight to Munich, you need to specify Germany in the list of countries in the Accord. + notarized copy.
The help should be on the company letterhead, with the address and phone ( NECESSARILY! ) of the enterprise. The phone can not be in the help! Only landline number! It is important to specify the wage in the amount of at least 1,000 (one thousand) y. ie per month in the ruble equivalent from the calculation for one departing; Date of issue of help – no more than 3 weeks from the date of delivery of documents is not a visa. ATTENTION! MANDATORY OF THE CORRECT TELEPHONE CODE OF THE CITY IN HELP! This is due to the fact that almost all the information is checked by the consulate for the truth of the information provided. In the case of false information, or an erroneous telephone code, or in its absence, it is very likely that both interview calls and visa refusals are very likely.
We are informing you that the Consular Section of the Austrian Embassy has the right to request any additional documents, translations, notarized copies, or call for an interview for those applying for a visa! |
Company: | German Camp 3 weeks |
Company registration number: | 7736560082 |
Do you like this camp? Tell your friend |
4-6 bed rooms, shower / toilet in the room,
3 dining rooms and lounges,
A large outdoor sports hall.
Football field, beach volleyball court.
Indoor climbing wall.
Tables for table tennis, billiards, table football
Discosal with karaoke
TV room (DVD, video projector)
Free bike rental.
Access to the Internet.
Badminton, field hockey.
Accomodation type: | 1 building |
Rooms: | 4-6 bedded, shower / toilet in the room. |
Food: | 3-time |
Area: | 30 000 m2 |
concert hall, playground, gym, football field, basketball field, volleyball field
Security and health services:insurance, a hospital of European level no more than 15 km. from the guesthouse.
Main program:
" This is a thing! " Vocabulary.
" This thing! " « costs » quite a bit of! In this block, the participants are replacing « this » ;, « this thing » new words and expand in the game form your vocabulary.
Words are learned much better through everyday life in the camp (and do not dig up in the form of quickly forgotten notes in workbooks). Such an effect is achieved through practical exercises such as creating and preparing culinary dishes according to a certain recipe, searching for the necessary route with the help of various instructions and tips, or simply asking your roommates about something new, which you will later have to tell yourself.
« Do it right! » ;. Grammar.
Grammar should not be dry and tedious! With the help of lyrics, games, funny staged scenes and dialogues, the jungles of German grammar can be made much more understandable and even exciting, and it's fun to spend in this jungle!
« Lederhosen & Co » ;. Acquaintance with the culture of the country.
"Sounds of Music", Mozart, Lederhosen (leather pants), mountains are just the first few things that come to mind when you start thinking about Austria.
How do you spend your time here, how is it different from what you do at home? And how do they spend their time, how do people of other cultures behave in other countries? What is normal for them? What is normal for you? These questions, arising in everyday life in the camp, make you think about some kind of prejudice or cliche, to look for and find answers to "life" » questions independently instead of taking on faith, scooping up information not always from the most reliable sources ...
Free time (which is not so much) is filled with bright and memorable events: hikes on mountain bikes, swimming, games, dances and discotheques, evening bonfires with a magical atmosphere ...
Payment methods: |
Price included: |
Not included in the price: |
* Flights arriving and departing between 9-00 and 16-00, in case the flight arrives / takes off not in the specified period, as well as the price of the transfer from other airports (Vienna, Salzburg), request information in addition. |
19 july 2018
Zhanna D. about «ChARLI. Ta Storona gde Veter...» (boy 9 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
• Answer from camp
Как проехать: The plane to Munich / from Munich, then - the camp bus. The price of meeting-wires at the airport and transfer