Base: | |
Region: | Russia, Nizhegorodskaya oblast' |
Nearest city: | Nizhniy Novgorod, 52 km |
Age: | for children 7 - 17 years old |
Address: | Nizhegorodskaya oblast', p. Zhelnino
(on the map: address and route) |
Transfer accompanied by an adult: | from Nizhniy Novgorod |
Number of children: | 250 |
Start year of work: | 2007 |
Documents: |
The following data should be in the form 079u help:
Company: | Gorod sporta |
Company registration number: | 5260195671 |
Do you like this camp? Tell your friend |
Children's Health Camp &la Sports City ».
The stormy and active life of the "Cities of Sports" requires a lot of calories. The camp organizes a balanced, vitaminized 5- and single-meal (breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner, a second dinner), the ration necessarily includes fresh vegetables, fruits, juices, pastries.
Here, in the fresh air, impregnated with the smell of pine trees, far from the city noise and dust, there is a favorable effect on the growing body of the child. And in an atmosphere of friendship and care, childhood dreams come true and memories that will remain with your child for life are born.
Summer, sun, fresh air, a good mood and a sea of positive emotions - all this provides a good rest. Camp &Sport City » is located in a picturesque, forest recreation area near Lake Svyatoye, the area of the camp is 7 hectares.
Accommodation in a 3-storey dormitory with conveniences (for young children); in a room for 4 people. In the building equipped halls (recreation areas, TV, DVD, table for playing table tennis). Washrooms, showers, washbasins, cabinets for clothes on the floor. For drying clothes are provided drying cabinets in a separate room.
Children 11-15 years old live in summer houses. Rooms are designed for 8-10 people. In each house there are two dryers and suitcases.
Children are distributed according to orders according to their age. Teachers and counselors are with children around the clock.
The bath complex is open daily from 9-00 to 22-00. Children can visit the bath complex as needed. &Nbsp; Change of linen once a week.
Accommodation in a 3-storey dormitory with amenities (for young children); in a room for 4 people. Children 11-15 years old live in summer houses. Rooms are designed for 8-10 people.
Rooms: | 4/9 local |
Facilities (toilet): | shared, on the floor |
Food: | 5-time |
Area: | 70 000 m2 |
playground, gym, stadium, football field, basketball field, volleyball field
a universal sports ground (in the winter rink);
football field;
Volleyball Court;
basketball court;
badminton courts;
a playground with sports facilities;
room for table tennis;
children playground;
obstacle course.
The medical facility is located on the first floor of the dormitory. Medical services: a pediatrician and a nurse are trained. The medical center is located, an isolator with five-bed rooms, separate. Provision of medicines corresponds to the list of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for health institutions of country type. In the medical center of the camp there is a doctor's office, a treatment room equipped with quartz. Two boxes for infected patients per 10 beds. At any moment, at night and in the daytime, everyone will be helped!
Main program:
Children's Health Camp " City of Sports " is an amazing island of childhood and dreams; This is a special space where the child can interestingly, cheerfully and profitably spend their holidays. This is a new way of life, living in a children's collective, outside the family and at home, outside the ordinary atmosphere.
Sports facilities in the camp
Payment methods: |
Price included: |
Not included in the price: |
What to take with: |
Personal hygiene items:
Clothes and shoes:
For swimming:
You can also take with you: camera, player, books for evening reading, toys, badminton, tennis rackets and stuff. A small amount of money for pocket expenses (we recommend to limit the amount of 500 rubles). Strongly do not recommend taking with you:
The list of products prohibited by sanitary services for transfer to children in a country camp:
* If medications are needed, they should be transferred to a medical office by a doctor (with a list) to monitor their use. We do not recommend portable computers and other toys to the children's camp. After all, the child is going to rest, including computers, electronic games, television and other importunate benefits of civilization. |
22 august 2018
Ol'ga Vyacheslavovna about «Olimpik, Konno-sportivnyiy klub» (girl 9 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
30 july 2017
Anna Aleksandrovna about «Klub Nastoyashchih Printsess» (girl 9 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
19 july 2017
Elena Yur'evna about «Madagaskar» (girl 8 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
10 july 2017
Sergey Viktorovich about «Izumrudnoe. Mini-futbol» (boy 14 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
02 september 2016
Ekaterina Evgen'evna about «Zaliv» (girl 10 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
10 august 2016
Lyubov' Konstantinovna about «Zaliv»
+ Positive
- Negative
06 august 2016
Galiya Yurisovna about «Zaliv» (boy 8 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
17 july 2016
Marina Vladimirovna about «Zaliv» (boy 14 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
17 july 2016
Ol'ga Vladimirovna about «Zaliv» (girl 13 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
26 june 2016
Elena Pavlovna about «Zaliv» (boy 12 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
27 april 2016
Svetlana Sergeevna about «Zaliv» (boy 15 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
from $ 230,- Yevolyutsiya (Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia) |
from $ 188,- Sokol (Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia) |
from $ 174,- Salyut (Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia) |
from $ 661,- Ostrov Priklyucheniy (Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia) |
from $ 511,- STREMLENIE CAMP (Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia) |
from $ 216,- DOL Vostok (Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia) |
from $ 170,- Shkola Robinzonov (Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia) |
Как проехать: Not included in the price.