Region: | Russia, Saint Petersburg (Sankt-Peterburg) |
Nearest city: | Sankt-Peterburg |
Age: | for children 2 - 12 years old |
Address: | Sankt-Peterburg, ul. Tel'mana 48 korpus 2; Sankt-Peterburg, ul Yahtennaya 1 korpus 1; Sankt-Peterburg, pr-t Koroleva 61.
(on the map: address and route) |
Number of children: | 30 |
Start year of work: | 2008 |
Documents: |
Company: | Happy Nest |
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St. Petersburg, st. Telman 48 housing 2.
St. Petersburg, Yakhtennaya St. 1 building 1.
St. Petersburg, 61 Koroleva Avenue.
Accomodation type: | 1 building |
Rooms: | day camp |
Food: | 3-time |
Area: | 20 000 m2 |
playground 300th anniversary park
Security and health services:24-hour security is provided by the internal security department.
Main program:
Four thematic weeks are proposed, each of which has a rich and exciting program.
Week 1. England and the legacy of the Olympic Games.
We recall the recent past and plunge into the active-sport atmosphere of the summer London and Winter Sochi Olympic Games. Children will learn how it will be in English » and try in practice the main sports, get acquainted with the values and learn the official anthem of the games. We are waiting for the most active and restless.
Week 2. Scotland and the design of the future.
Let's get acquainted with such a beautiful country as Scotland, and build our own future. Create, take risks, create and explore. We will create the twin country of Scotland.
Week 3. Wales — beautiful scenery for movie .
Are you good at photos? Have you ever thought about the script for the film? We'll teach you everything — and we'll film our own film about Wales.
Week 4. Northern Ireland and spy games with MI6.
How much do you know about ciphers? Do you like to guess riddles? Always calculate a spy among the crowd? Then we are waiting for you to bring your skills and abilities to perfection. After all, it is necessary to outwit MI-6 and discover the main secret of Northern Ireland.
Payment methods: |
Price included: |
Shifts are carried out from 02.06 to 29.08. You can choose how many weeks your child will visit. |
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Как проехать: St. Petersburg, st. Telmana 48 building 2. Saint-Petersburg, ul Yakhtennaya 1 building 1. St. Petersburg