Region: | Germany, Sachsen-Anhalt |
Nearest city: | Frankfurt, 100 km |
Age: | for children 10 - 14 years old |
Address: | Afhyolerbah
(on the map) |
Transfer: | from Moskva |
Number of children: | 5 |
Start year of work: | 1977 |
Documents: |
Company: | Insight. Humboldt-Institut |
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The indisputable advantage of the camp is "Insight. Humboldt-Institut". - a high level of teaching and a rich entertainment and excursion program. 25 German lessons per week (lesson - 45 minutes)
Accomodation type: | 1 building |
Rooms: | 4-seater |
Food: | Full board |
Area: | 10 000 m2 |
playground, football field, basketball field, volleyball field
Security and health services:Medical insurance
Main program:
25 German lessons per week (lesson - 45 minutes)
1 full day excursion and 1 half a day per week, sports, barbecue, campfire
Payment methods: |
Price included: | Accommodation, meals, program |
Not included in the price: | One way transfer is 40 €; Consular fee - 65 €, medical insurance - 7 € per week, air ticket - from 350 €, express mail - 75 €, extra night - 100 € |
14 august 2013
Ol'ga Aleksandrovna about «Insayt.Shkola na more» (girl 15 years old & girl 15 years old)
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- Negative
• Answer from camp