Region: | Russia, Saint Petersburg (Sankt-Peterburg) |
Nearest city: | Sankt-Peterburg, 100 km |
Age: | for children 7 - 16 years old |
Address: | Leningradskaya oblast', Priozerskiy rayon, posyolok Korobitsyino
(on the map: address and route) |
Number of children: | 50 |
Start year of work: | 2006 |
Documents: |
Copy of birth certificate, copy of CHI |
Company: | Kolobochnius on the Red lake |
Company registration number: | 7813522750 |
Certificate of registration in the unified federal register: | # РТО 026299 (you can check in the Unified Federal Register of Tour Operators |
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Living in large cozy cottages on top of a mountain, at the foot of which there is a lake. Children live in separate rooms for 2 people. Cottages have gazebos, where most of the meetings and games are held. Our chef prepares healthy home meals tailored to individual characteristics. The request for an additive is only encouraged.
Accomodation type: | 1 building |
Rooms: | for 2-4 people, cottages |
Food: | 4-time |
Area: | 100 000 m2 |
playground, football field, basketball field, volleyball field
Security and health services:The doctor and the protection service of the resort "Red Lake";
Main program:
Now the children have the opportunity and in the Leningrad region to master a new and exciting sport that has become unique in Europe - WAIKBORD ! Reversible winch on Red Lake is ideal for teaching children to water skiing and wakeboard! The sandy bottom and sufficiently shallow depth along the entire length of the winch make the training safe. Reversibility of the winch and the possibility of changing the speed allows you to teach each child individually. The presence of springboards allows you to learn tricks and improve the skills of already skating wakeboarders. Ten days are devoted to training. As a rule, in the first three days children learn water skiing, then go to the wakeboard. By the end of the camp, children are beginning to learn elementary tricks. All other free time is filled with the game program.
In parallel with the training on the winch, trampoline training will be organized to help children feel their body better, improve coordination and master the tricks.
In addition, many different games, quests, competitions aimed at teamwork, identification and development of leadership qualities, development of physical and mental abilities will be organized.
Payment methods: |
Price included: |
08 april 2014
Tat'yana about «Kolobochnius v Korobitsyino» (boy 9 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
26 july 2011
Oksana about «Lyizhno-bordicheskiy lager' Kolobochnius»
+ Positive
- Negative
from $ 825,- Aktivnyie turyi Dmitriya i Matveya Shparo.... (poselok Tiksha, Russia) |
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from $ 185,- MULTIRIDERS. Weekend (Sankt-Peterburg, Russia) |
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from $ 232,- Studiya Litsa. Stop-Snyato (Sankt-Peterburg, Russia) |
from $ 324,- 12K. Psihologicheskiy lager' (derevnya Vaskelovo, Russia) |
from $ 71,- Liga Robotov (Sankt-Peterburg, Russia) |
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from $ 190,- DOL "Grad Detinets". Robograd (Sankt-Peterburg, Russia) |
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from $ 3 270,- Angliyskiy v prigorode Londona (London, United Kingdom) |
Как проехать: By car: on the Vyborg highway until the turn to Pervomayskoye near the gas station. Further, through Pervomaisko