Region: | Poland, Warminsko-Mazurskie |
Nearest city: | Pish, 1 km |
Age: | for children 10 - 14 years old |
Address: | Powiatowy Międzyszkolny Ośrodek Sportowy w Piszu Al. Turystów 22, 12-200 Pisz, Polska tel: +48 87 423 45 72
(on the map: address and route) |
Transfer accompanied by an adult: | from Moskva |
Number of children: | 30 |
Start year of work: | 2003 |
Documents: |
Company: | CHARLIE. That Side where the wind is |
Company registration number: | 7736560082 |
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The program is the one where the wind … » will be held in Poland on the Masurian lakes. This place is well known to lovers of sails … The most important sailing competitions of high rank are held there annually. We will learn an uneasy sailing case on a program written by two real captains. To raise sails - go forward to meeting adventures!
Accomodation type: | 1 building |
Rooms: | 5-bed room, amenities in the room |
Food: | 4-time |
Area: | 40 000 m2 |
beach, concert hall, playground, football field, volleyball field Yacht Club
Security and health services:In the shift team - a doctor from Moscow.
Main program:
« That side … » - quite a specialized program. There are fewer varieties than on other summer shifts of the CHARLIE Camp. The program will more resemble winter shifts, when we have a basic activity for all days. In winter, it's – slopes and downhill skiing / snowboarding, and here – water, sails, wind, ships …
The training program is written by two yachting captains (knowledgeable people will appreciate the level!) specially for our group.
The main ships on the shift will be two-mast yachts DZ and Shadbots Cadets and Omega.
The course will take 10 days (4 hours in the morning), where there will be a theory (necessary, but not very burdensome) and practice (in the first half of the shift, as part of large crews-detachments at DZ, then in crews 2-4 people on the dinghy). For children who come for more than a year and have a certificate for the right to self-manage a sailing vessel (and such a certificate can be obtained by each participant who has fulfilled certain standards after the program), classes of at least – at the &cadets » (as it was in 2011), possibly on the Laser-2 type dumbbells.
In the middle of the shift there is a large three-day trip to the city of Mikolajki with an overnight stay, and the day before departure, – control session (passing tests on the theory and practice of sailing).
During the training, the guys will learn the basics of marine culture and good marine practice, will get knowledge and skills on:
After a quiet hour an hour and a half on football, volleyball, swimming, fenechefting and other pretty relaxing classes for the children themselves.
Time after six hours is traditionally devoted to creativity. There will be unforgettable Representations of Detachments, and the Evening of Terrible Stories, and Circus, and, of course, the main thing of the change is – Competition of the Staged Fairy Tale. There will be new, never even carried out on CHARLIE's evenings … Like all the others, assuming the active work of the guys themselves. Otherwise, what interest? The TV is at home …
In the excursion program of the shift, in addition to the city of Mikolajki (which we will visit during our water trip), the trip to the capital of the Warmia-Mazury province is the city of Olsztyn, whose history is more than six centuries old.
Video about camp:
Payment methods: |
Price included: |
preparation and submission of documents for a visa (with payment of a consular fee); insurance (insurance coverage of 30 000 euros taking into account the risks of active sports, Insurance Group - MSK »); Flight Moscow - Kaliningrad – Moscow; Transfer Kaliningrad - Zofiyuvka - Kaliningrad; accommodation in 4 - 5-bed rooms (shower / toilet in the room); 4 meals a day during the Program; work of instructors, medical worker; excursions to Mikolajki, Olsztyn; hire of ships; use all necessary equipment for classes. |
19 july 2018
Zhanna D. about «ChARLI. Ta Storona gde Veter...» (boy 9 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
• Answer from camp
Как проехать: Flight to Kaliningrad, then - by car ~ 120 km.