Region: | Russia, Moscow (Moskva) |
Nearest city: | Moskva, 3 km |
Age: | for children 7 - 15 years old |
Address: | Moskovskaya obl. Odintsovskiy r-on, s. Romashkovo, ul. Sovetskaya 14 A
(on the map: address and route) |
Number of children: | 50 |
Start year of work: | 2015 |
Documents: |
Company: | Camp in the Manor Romashkovo |
Company registration number: | 4003033876 |
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Children can be accommodated in the spacious rooms of the hotel complex & Romashko Estate » , decorated in Russian style. The complex also houses 2 museums, a children's playground and indoor courtyard for animation programs and games.
Accomodation type: | 2 buildings |
Rooms: | 2-4 bed room |
Food: | 4 meals a day, home cooking |
Area: | 10 000 m2 |
Security and health services:24-hour security and doctor on duty.
Main program:
Daily in the camp program: cognitive excursions, creative and craft master classes, funny animation programs, as well as quests, evening activities and outdoor games with counselors.Excursions:
« Getting to Romashkovo » – overview: participants learn about Russian traditions, culture, fun and life through familiarization with the Romashkovo estate.
« Games and fun » ;: participants can play games that our ancestors played. We learn where many games and toys came from, try our skills and skill in games such as "Kalechina-Malechka", "Runner", "Zakidushki » and others.
& Home without corners » ;: participants will not only be in this felt yurt as a nomad and learn about the device of the yurt and traditional way of life of nomads, but will also become participants in the wedding rite.
« Popular culture connoisseurs » ;: participants will remember all the knowledge and skills they received during the shift on all excursions.
Master classes:
&slave dolls-amulets » ;: participants not only learn about the diversity of traditional patchwork dolls in Russia, but also themselves make a doll (&la Bereguin at home » ;, &Grace » ;, " Bunny-on-finger » ;, " Gouves > ;, and others).
&Emotion : participants will paint a Russian wooden doll, learn the technology of making and painting, and the very history of the birth of the toy.
&Cache with butter » – culinary master class.
« Siberian rosette » ;: participants will make from the traditional materials of the Siberian peoples – leather, fur and beads – souvenirs and ornaments.
& Gift from Romashkovo » ;: participants make a souvenir to their parents, relatives and friends with their own hands.
Animation programs:
« Tea drinking in Romashkovo »
« Traveling on the Russian calendar » ;: participants meet characters in Russian folk costumes. They will participate in games, which they played on holidays. Songs, dances, dances, traditional fun and contests: "Bags with a bag » ;, &lquo; File of firewood and collection of woodpile » "Ditch the hat", etc.
« Games of the Peoples of Siberia » ;: participants will get acquainted with the traditional folk games of the Yakuts, Chukchi, Evenks.
« Music and Dances of the Peoples of Siberia » ;: the custodian of the culture of the peoples of Siberia and the Far East will introduce the participants to throat singing, the sounds of the harp and tambourine and teach the dances of the peoples of the North. ;
Program from the counselors: quests, games, outdoor activities, evening activities.
Day schedule:
08.00-08.30 Rise, cleaning of rooms
08.30-09.00 Charging
09.00-09.30 Breakfast
09.30-10.00 Discussing plans for the day
10.00-11.00 Master class / tour
11.00-12.00 Master Class / Excursion
12.00-13.00 Outdoor Activity
13.00-14.00 Lunch
14.00-15.00 Rest
15.00-15.15 Snack
15.15-16.00 Fair Time
16.00-17.00 Preparing for an evening event
17.00-18.00 Animation program
18.00-19.00 Fair time
19.00-19.30 Dinner
19.30-21.00 Evening event
21.00-21.45 « Candle » summarizing the day
21.45-22.00 Late Dinner
22.00-22.30 Preparing for a sleep
22.30 Callback
Payment methods: |
Price included: |
What to take with: |
Clothing and footwear
Money In ETNOMIR, children can buy various souvenirs. The recommended amount of pocket money is 500-1000 rubles per shift, then – at your discretion. |
Book this camp and share your impressions!
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Как проехать: By car: Turn from the Moscow Ring Road to the technical center of Kuntsevo (exit to the area along Gorbunova Street), then go