Region: | Russia, Krasnodarskiy kray |
Nearest city: | Anapa, 20 km |
Age: | for children 9 - 16 years old |
Address: | Krasnodarskiy kray, Anapa, pos. Sukko
(on the map: address and route) |
Number of children: | 50 |
Start year of work: | 2015 |
Documents: |
All documents are transmitted by the counselor directly when sending the children to the camp. |
Company: | Live classic in Anapa |
Company registration number: | 7814290485 |
Do you like this camp? Tell your friend |
Rooms: | 3-4 |
Facilities (toilet): | shared, on the floor |
Food: | 5 |
Area: | 50 000 m2 |
beach, concert hall, playground, gym, stadium, football field, basketball field, volleyball field
Security and health services:24-hour security and medical care
Main program:
Day schedule:
7:30 | Ascend | |
7.35 | Charging | |
7:55 |
8:15 |
Start the day. Morning check. ( crew briefing) |
8:30 | BREAKFAST | |
9: 30-13: 0 0 |
The Living Classics Program and the excursion parallel of the tests, the healing parallel of the tests ( water, solar, air procedures ), the tourist parallel of the tests (hiking, master classes, walks, expeditions) , creative parallel of tests ( music, games, dance hours) |
13:00 | LUNCH | |
14: 00-16: 00 | Quiet Hour | |
16:30 | Snack | |
17: 00-19: 00 |
The Living Classics Program and the excursion parallel of the tests, the healing parallel of the tests ( water, solar, air procedures ), the tourist parallel of the tests (hiking, master classes, walks, expeditions) , the creative parallel of the tests ( music, games, dance hours) |
19:00 | DINNER | |
19: 30-21: 30 |
Evening creative parallel of the tests (dance, video club, game library, library ) Evening sports parallel of tests |
21:00 | Second Supper | |
22:00 | Evening star | |
22:30 | Callback for junior squads | |
23:00 | Callback for senior units | |
Payment methods: |
Price included: |
Accommodation in the camp Power Live Classic " and the general camp program Transfer from the airport and back (in case of arrival as part of an organized group) |
Not included in the price: |
Flight |
What to take with: |
Money for tours, spending money for buying soft drinks, ice cream, etc., for visiting children's cafes and bars, and for buying souvenirs. Necessary things: |
06 august 2019
Inessa Stanislavovna about «Zhivaya klassika» (girl 14 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
22 november 2018
Anna about «Zhivaya klassika» (girl 13 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
05 september 2018
Aleksandr Aleksandrovich about «Zhivaya klassika» (girl 14 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
• Answer from camp
18 august 2016
Elena Petrovna about «Zhivaya Klassika» (girl 13 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
• Answer from camp
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from $ 2 370,- Mezhdunarodnaya shkola BRIKS+ (Sochi, Russia) |
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from $ 889,- Robinzonada. Morskoy Dozor (Tuapse, Russia) |
from $ 780,- Robinzonada. Orel i Reshka. Morskie priklyucheniya (Tuapse, Russia) |
from $ 946,- Happy Day (poselok Lermontovo, Russia) |
from $ 720,- Spa&Camp (Sochi, Russia) |
from $ 801,- DOK "Morskaya Zvezda" ot turoperatora "Avrora" (Tuapse, Russia) |
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from $ 663,- DOL "Zori Anapyi" ot turoperatora "Dial-tur" (Anapa, Russia) |
Как проехать: By bus or taxi Travel time: 30 minutes