Region: | Italy, Aosta |
Nearest city: | Milan, 184 km |
Age: | for children 7 - 17 years old |
Address: | Corso Lancieri di Aosta 47, 1110 Aosta
(on the map) |
Transfer: | from Moskva |
Number of children: | 25 |
Start year of work: | 2009 |
Documents: |
Schengen visa, medical insurance. |
Company: | TSDcamp. Hockey camp for goalkeepers |
Company registration number: | 5040135094 |
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Hotel accommodation 3 * - Norden Palace
Rooms: | 3-seater |
Facilities (toilet): | inside room |
Food: | 4-time |
Area: | 100 000 m2 |
playground, gym, stadium, football field, volleyball field, pool rink
Security and health services:Safety and health of players is our priority. Therefore, we recommend the formulation of a special sports insurance, which provides an increased coverage ratio in the event of an insured event associated with professional activities. Hockey camp has all the facilities to provide current medical support for hockey players, including carrying out restorative procedures, prompt response to player complaints, damage handling, daily inspection, etc. The questions of hospitalization are stipulated in the professional insurance policy of the player.
Main program:
Program training:
As part of the camp program, each player will pass an individual assessment of the physical condition and skills, which will result in the development of an individual development plan and recommendations for the further development of the hockey career.
Head coach of camp Dmitry Tsygurov, assistants: Nenad Ilic, Fabio Lurati.
Day schedule:
07:30 Breakfast at the Hotel Norden Palace
08:30 Collection at the stadium
09: 00-10: 30 Workout on ice
10:45 Afternoon snack
11: 00-12: 00 Training out of ice
12:30 Lunch at the ice arena restaurant
14: 00-14: 30 Theory
15: 00-16: 30 Workout on ice
16:45 Afternoon snack
17: 00-17: 45 Exercise outside the ice
18: 15-19: 15 Swimming / Walking
19:45 Dinner at the ice arena restaurant
21:00 Ending
Payment methods: |
Price included: |
Not included in the price: |
Flight + transfer + visa. Transfer to / from the airport is charged additionally. Meeting at the airport of Milan and transfer to Aosta and back 150 Euros one way, with group transfer, the cost is divided into all. |
What to take with: |
The recommended list of equipment for participation in the hockey camp: 1. Hockey (goalkeeper or field player) form for training on ice. Sharpened skates! |
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