Base: | Ramat Hadassah |
Region: | Israel, Haifa |
Nearest city: | Hayfa, 20 km |
Age: | for children 10 - 17 years old |
Address: | Izrail', Kir'yat-Tivon
(on the map: address and route) |
Transfer accompanied by an adult: | from Moskva, Kiev, Riga, included in the price |
Number of children: | 150 |
Start year of work: | 2010 |
Documents: |
For participants from the CIS:
Company: | The Jewish Agency for Israel |
Company registration number: | 500500046 |
Do you like this camp? Tell your friend |
Ramat Adasa — a marvelous, picturesque corner of nature in an oak forest 20 km from Haifa, where in 2019 our camp will be changed.
Ramat Adasa — this
Rooms: | 4 persons per room |
Facilities (toilet): | inside room |
Food: | 4 meals |
Area: | 1 000 000 m2 |
concert hall, gym, pool
Security and health services:
24-hour security is organized by the internal security department of the base. During the trips with the guys are their madrihi (counselors) and security.
There is a person in the camp who is able and licensed to provide first aid; if necessary, the participant will be taken to the nearest medical center, according to his insurance. It is also possible to call a doctor in the camp.
Main program:
Like every summer, this year with our participants 14-17 years we will learn how to influence the world and make it better – Engage in Tikkun Olam (ibv: fix the world). The children will build professional projects whose goal is to improve and change in their communities, cities and countries, and at the same time develop new skills, find close friends and, of course, relax.
For the program participants 10-13 years we put in the center the word Olam (Hebrew: world). We want the guys to meet a huge and diversified world, meet new friends from other countries and cities, think and begin to define their place in this world and, of course, do all this through games, creativity, excursions and recreation.
We believe that every member of Makom.IL — personality and has its own interests.
Our entire program is built on a choice : we pay attention to the desires of the participants and build the program so that everyone can find themselves in it. It is important to us that the basis of each process is the participant’s personal interest.
To do this, we recruit and train exclusively professional and diverse team, to which each of the leaders brings their skills and their thoughts. Our presenters treat participants with respect and understanding. We create, change and learn the world through honest, open dialogue. &Nbsp;
Day schedule:
8:30 — 9:00 am Boker Tov (rise)
9:00 am — 9:30 Breakfast
9:30 — 1:30 pm Work on the Project in the Group selected by the participant
13:30 — 14:00 Lunch
2:00 pm — 4pm Free time and Pool
16:00 — 19:00 Work on the Project in the Group selected by the participant
19:00 — 20:00 Dinner
20: 00 — 22:00
Evening Event:
22: 00 — 23:00
Free time with the ability to join:
Shift schedule:
As part of the shift, several trips outside the camp are planned. Usually one of these trips — excursion, such as Jerusalem, and the other — entertaining, such as water park. At each exit, our buses are accompanied by security guards and madrihi (counselors), and excursions are conducted by professional guides.
Payment methods: |
Price included: |
Not included in the price: |
In our camp there are no additional paid options, however you can give children a small amount of pocket money. |
What to take with: |
Book this camp and share your impressions!
Как проехать: 1) by car, 2) public transport