by 1 review
Region: | Belarus, Minsk |
Nearest city: | Minsk, 65 km |
Age: | for children 10 - 17 years old |
Address: | Stolbtsovskiy rayon
(on the map: address and route) |
Transfer: | from Sankt-Peterburg |
Number of children: | 12 |
Start year of work: | 2014 |
Documents: |
Before the trip, you need to provide the following information: address at the place of registration, date of birth, fio (this is necessary for registration of insurance). Need a certificate of health. Notarized power of attorney (at will) Insurance is made for the entire group in the insurance company before the start of the program. For registration of the insurance policy, the organizers must provide the following information: surname, first name and patronymic of the child, date of birth, address at the place of residence. |
Company: | True warrior |
Company registration number: | 7811231139 |
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The children live in a two-story cottage with a bathroom and a shower on each floor. The cottage is located in the village of Zamenka, 65 km from the Minsk ring road. (Grodno direction, M6 highway)
Accomodation type: | 1 building |
Rooms: | 12-seater |
Facilities (toilet): | shared, on the floor |
Food: | 4-time |
Area: | 10 000 m2 |
pool Bathhouse
Security and health services:The house is alarming. Honey. the worker is in place. The nearest hospital is an ambulance in 10 minutes. All fire safety measures are strictly observed.
Main program:
The program includes the following activities:
This skill will help in any situation to find the necessary calories for life. In the classroom we study and practically practice unarmed ways of hunting, cutting and cooking meat; collection of edible fungi, plants; search and proper use of larvae, insects and reptiles; Fishing without fishing gear.
Water is the most important priority in human life, but not all water can be drunk. In these classes, we consider the ways of mining and disinfection of any water. This skill will help to always and always maintain the right level of water in the body. &Nbsp;
In the classroom, we in practice learn to determine the sides of the world without the help of a compass, to find the way to people if we get lost. Overcome various natural obstacles (river, marsh, cliffs, hard-to-reach forest thickets). &Nbsp;
It is not always possible to find a civilization in the course of the day, but to spend the night under the open sky not protected from anything bad idea. At these lessons we learn to build huts from natural materials available on the terrain without the help of saws, nails, ax and rope. This skill will help protect against wild animals, strong winds, various precipitations and also from ubiquitous insects. &Nbsp;
One of the most important human skills. It will help to warm up, prepare food, disinfect water, scare away wild animals and calm down morally. In the classroom, each child produces fire without matches and lighters in various ways. He learns even in a wet forest to find dry wood and maintain a proper fire throughout the night. &Nbsp;
In these classes, we will learn how to give signals in a variety of ways at distances up to 50 km. In addition, we study the methods of first aid in various situations. Learning actions when meeting with forest dwellers. &Nbsp;
Lessons for overcoming fears and phobias:
Payment methods: |
Price included: |
Not included in the price: |
What to take with: |
What you need to give your child with you |
21 july 2016
Elen about camp program «Nastoyashchiy voin» (boy 12 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
Как проехать: 65 km from Minsk, Grodno direction (route M6) transfer from Minsk and back