Region: | Russia, Saint Petersburg (Sankt-Peterburg) |
Nearest city: | Sankt-Peterburg, 70 km |
Age: | for children 7 - 16 years old |
Address: | DSOL «Volna», 17-y kilometr Sredne-Vyiborgskogo shosse
(on the map: address and route) |
Number of children: | 240 |
Start year of work: | 1980 |
Documents: |
Company: | MBC School |
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Holidays with MBC School are daily classes with English speakers from the USA, England and Canada, game form of training, creative classes, watching movies in English and their further discussion, a rich leisure and sports program. Children age: 7-16 years.
Accomodation type: | 3 buildings |
Rooms: | 4-5-seater |
Food: | 5-time |
Area: | 90 000 m2 |
beach, concert hall, playground, gym, stadium, football field, basketball field, volleyball field, pool salt cave, oxygen cocktails, ice rink
Security and health services:Round-the-clock security. 24-hour medical service.
Main program:
Educational program in English (6 ac./hour a day)
Sports events (in the indoor sports complex);
Pool + sauna (optional) under the supervision of the trainer and medical staff;
Salt cave;
Skating (open skating rink, subject to suitable weather);
Walking on skis, riding on cheesecakes;
Karaoke room;
A bowl of "Salted dough »"
Games room;
< / RTI > Excursion to the ostrich farm (by appointment).
Payment methods: |
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from $ 192,- DOL "Grad Detinets". Robograd (Sankt-Peterburg, Russia) |
from $ 133,- Komp'yuternaya Akademiya TOR (m. Nevskiy prospekt) (Sankt-Peterburg, Russia) |
from $ 333,- Gorod Sledopyitov (Sankt-Peterburg, Russia) |
from $ 3 305,- Angliyskiy v prigorode Londona (London, United Kingdom) |
from $ 138,- Teremok (Sankt-Peterburg, Russia) |
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from $ 190,- Adain Lo (Sankt-Peterburg, Russia) |
from $ 271,- TOP CAMP (Petrovskoe, Russia) |
from $ 396,- Forsazh. Assotsiatsiya pedagogov (Sankt-Peterburg, Russia) |
from $ 218,- Kreativnyiy dizayner modyi (Sankt-Peterburg, Russia) |
from $ 235,- Lyod i Plamya (Sankt-Peterburg, Russia) |
from $ 172,- 13a. Angliyskiy (Sankt-Peterburg, Russia) |
from $ 101,- Komp'yuternaya Akademiya TOR (m.Akademicheskaya) (Sankt-Peterburg, Russia) |
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from $ 133,- Komp'yuternaya Akademiya TOR (m. Begovaya) (Sankt-Peterburg, Russia) |
from $ 285,- English City (Sankt-Peterburg, Russia) |
Как проехать: You drive along the lower route along the bay, drive through Zelenogorsk, Ushkovo, Serovo. On the way out of Serovo,