Region: | Russia, Saint Petersburg (Sankt-Peterburg) |
Nearest city: | Sankt-Peterburg, 10 km |
Age: | for children 7 - 14 years old |
Address: | Strel'na, ul.Druzhbyi d.4/9
(on the map: address and route) |
Number of children: | 24 |
Start year of work: | 2013 |
Documents: |
Photocopies of honey. policy and birth certificate, certificate from the school, student travel card (if available). |
Company: | University Holidays |
Company registration number: | 7806121050 |
Do you like this camp? Tell your friend |
Children are accommodated in a modern and cozy holiday complex Light Light, comfortable 3-4-bed rooms with all amenities.
Accomodation type: | 2 buildings |
Rooms: | 3-4-seater |
Food: | 4-time |
Area: | 30 000 m2 |
playground, stadium, football field, basketball field
Security and health services:24-hour security is provided by the internal security department.
Main program:
The program "Christmas Holiday" » on a cycle: ОБЩЕСТВОЗНАНИЕ - « History and culture of Russia » ;; ENGLISH – « From antiquity to the present day ».
Excursion program (holidays in museums, interactive excursions in palaces):
Educational program (conference hall of the hotel):
Developing occupations (conference hall of the hotel): trainings and games ("Neoplastika » ;," Hali-Ghali » ;, Activity », "Tick-boom » ;, and many others)
>Sports events (on the hotel's equipped areas)
24-hour psychological and pedagogical support (minimum 2 adults accompanying + invited teachers)
Payment methods: |
Price included: |
Not included in the price: |
All inclusive except the transfer. There are no additional costs. |
What to take with: |
22 august 2019
Ruslan Ivanovich about «Universitetskie Kanikulyi» (boy 8 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
27 september 2018
Vera Dmitrievna about «Universitetskie Kanikulyi» (girl 15 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
• Answer from camp
05 august 2018
Borisovna Kalinichenko about «Universitetskie Kanikulyi» (girl 11 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
• Answer from camp
01 august 2018
Sergey Yur'evich about «Universitetskie Kanikulyi» (girl 8 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
• Answer from camp
04 august 2017
Lada Vil'gel'movna about «Universitetskie Kanikulyi» (boy 7 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
18 july 2017
Lyudmila Nikolaevna about «Universitetskie Kanikulyi» (girl 11 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
03 august 2016
Tat'yana Petrovna about «Universitetskie Kanikulyi» (boy 11 years old & boy 12 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
28 july 2016
Lyudmila Nikolaevna about «Universitetskie Kanikulyi» (girl 10 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
27 july 2016
Kseniya Aleksandrovna about «Universitetskie Kanikulyi» (boy 10 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
12 july 2016
Ol'ga Konstantinovna about «Universitetskie Kanikulyi» (girl 12 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
03 august 2015
German Vyacheslavovich about «Universitetskie Kanikulyi» (girl 11 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
• Answer from camp
26 july 2015
Stanislav Valer'evich about «Universitetskie Kanikulyi» (girl 9 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
• Answer from camp
15 may 2015
Anzhelika Gennad'evna about «Universitetskie Kanikulyi» (girl 14 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
• Answer from camp
from $ 192,- DOL "Grad Detinets". Robograd (Sankt-Peterburg, Russia) |
from $ 133,- Komp'yuternaya Akademiya TOR (m. Nevskiy prospekt) (Sankt-Peterburg, Russia) |
from $ 333,- Gorod Sledopyitov (Sankt-Peterburg, Russia) |
from $ 3 305,- Angliyskiy v prigorode Londona (London, United Kingdom) |
from $ 138,- Teremok (Sankt-Peterburg, Russia) |
from $ 1 108,- Aktivnyie turyi Dmitriya i Matveya Shparo.... (poselok Tiksha, Russia) |
from $ 190,- Adain Lo (Sankt-Peterburg, Russia) |
from $ 271,- TOP CAMP (Petrovskoe, Russia) |
from $ 396,- Forsazh. Assotsiatsiya pedagogov (Sankt-Peterburg, Russia) |
from $ 218,- Kreativnyiy dizayner modyi (Sankt-Peterburg, Russia) |
from $ 235,- Lyod i Plamya (Sankt-Peterburg, Russia) |
from $ 172,- 13a. Angliyskiy (Sankt-Peterburg, Russia) |
from $ 101,- Komp'yuternaya Akademiya TOR (m.Akademicheskaya) (Sankt-Peterburg, Russia) |
from $ 410,- Baltic School (Sankt-Peterburg, Russia) |
from $ 213,- English Effect City (Sankt-Peterburg, Russia) |
from $ 709,- Sport Story (Sankt-Peterburg, Russia) |
from $ 72,- Liga Robotov (Sankt-Peterburg, Russia) |
from $ 63,- Azimov Camp (Sankt-Peterburg, Russia) |
from $ 133,- Komp'yuternaya Akademiya TOR (m. Begovaya) (Sankt-Peterburg, Russia) |
from $ 285,- English City (Sankt-Peterburg, Russia) |
Как проехать: On a personal car you need to follow the Volkhonskoye highway before turning on the street. Commune, after the