Интенсивный английский по авторской методике и отдых на Черном море в Батуми. Программа 2 недели: фитнес и йога с инструктором, прогулки, пляж, английский 30 часов в языковой школе, учебник, экскурсии и трансфер. Проживание в резиденции в центре старого Батуми, расположенной на живописной исторической улице, с видами и террасой. В программе могут принять участие родители детей с изучением английского языка. Также принимаем взрослых в группах и индивидуально с отдельной полноценной программой.
Base: | Langberry |
Region: | Georgia, |
Nearest city: | Batumi |
Age: | for children from 8 years and youth from 18 to 25 years |
Address: | Gruziya, Batumi, Abashidze 55
(on the map: address and route) |
Transfer accompanied by an adult: | from Moskva |
Number of children: | 32 |
Start year of work: | 2016 |
Documents: |
A visa is not required |
Company: | ТОО Каникулы 2990 месяц |
Company registration number: | 181600291095 |
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Accommodation 3-person in a room with shower and kitchen, washing machine in each room, 2 meals a day (breakfast, lunch), water, fruits, berries
Rooms: | 3 local |
Facilities (toilet): | inside room |
Food: | Breakfast and lunch |
Area: | 0 m2 |
Security and health services:24-hour security and video surveillance in the residence and escort group leader
Main program:
The program is designed for 14 days. Accommodation in the residence. Both the school and residences are located in the center, within walking distance of the beach, popular cafes, shops, attractions. Classes at the school are intensive (daily for 180 minutes) and conducted according to the author's method. Communication outside the classroom also takes place in English, thus communication without stiffness in the target language is encouraged. &Nbsp; Meals 2 meals a day (breakfast and lunch) are included in the program price, visits to numerous and inexpensive cafes, restaurants, terraces and coffee shops in the city are organized in the evening.
Day schedule:
Sample menu:
5 times a week, a continental breakfast: fruit drink, cereal, toast, sweets, tea or coffee.
Twice a week English breakfast: bacon and eggs, sausages.
Choices of salads, beef or vegetarian stew or lasagna, baked potatoes, carrots, sweet corn, donut or fruit.
Soup, pasta with meat sauce, apple pie and fruit.
For a weekend lunch with you (if you are planning a full day excursion):
Sandwich, fruit, biscuit, chips and drink.
Shift schedule:
Fitness with an instructor, walks, the beach every day - English 60 hours in a language school, textbook - excursions - transfer
Payment methods: |
Price included: |
Not included in the price: |
Warning! representatives of the camp NOT carry out an organized departure from Russia. Parents bring their children to the airport / railway station or camp on their own. &Nbsp; Children under 12 years old (at the request of parents and children under 16 years old) traveling abroad should order the child’s flight attendance service from the airline (both ways). |
What to take with: |
05 august 2019
Ekaterina Nikolaevna about «Langberry London» (girl 14 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
Как проехать: Airport Batumi, Kutaisi