Base: | Lenguaventura School Residence |
Region: | Spain, Cádiz |
Nearest city: | Tarifa |
Age: | for children 14 - 17 years old |
Address: | Spain, Tarifa, Barriada Huerta del Rey, 11380
(on the map) |
Number of children: | 60 |
Start year of work: | 2003 |
Documents: |
Company: | Lenguaventura Kitesurf Camp |
Company registration number: | C.I.F B72079528 |
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School Residence, Barriada Huerta del Rey, Tarifa (Cádiz), Spain (2 minutes walking distance to the old town and 3 minutes walking distance to the beach). The installations have all amenities which are useful for a camp.
Bedrooms 3 persons per room. Girls and boys in separate bedrooms on different floors.
Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, several snacks, always fruits available.
Dormitories, classrooms, laundry, kitchen, dining room, playroom with pingpong tables, playground for sports.
Rooms: | 3 persons per room |
Facilities (toilet): | shared, on the floor |
Food: | 3 meals |
Area: | 20 000 m2 |
beach, playground
Security and health services:Guaranteed, night guard.
Main program:
Lenguaventura collaborates with a IKO recognized Kitesurf school which guarantees the young kiters constant attention. Courses are offered in several levels; from beginners to advanced levels. The teenagers can choose either a group course or a semi-private course. During 4 days per week the kitesurf course takes place in the afternoon either 3 or 4 hours per day. Warm temperatures, endless beaches with fine sands are other highlights of an enjoyable kitesurf camp for the age group 14 - 17 in Spain.
The option the teenagers have are as follows:
Day schedule:
Mornings: language courses either Spanish or English (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 12 hours per week)
Afternoons: the student can choose between three options:
Kitesurf, Windsurf or Adventure program (Eco-Citizenship)
Wednesdays and Saturdays the whole group goes together on cultural excursions or sport activities. Sunday is a day with workshops, sports and beach or pool.
Payment methods: |
Price included: |
Not included in the price: |
Closest airport is Málaga. Transports on all Sundays during July are free of charge. Transports on other days have an additional cost. We also collect and drop off from the airports Sevilla and Jerez de la Frontera for an extra cost. Sevilla EUR. 150 Jerez de la Frontera EUR. 115 |
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