Found 3 children's camps
Языковая программа в Малайзии на берегу Андаманского моря, объединяет Куала-Лумпур и остров Лангкави в единое путешествие. Эта программа, нацеленная на изучение английского языка и расширение кругозора , создана как для детей и подростков, желающих кардинально повысить знания английского языка ...
If you know English alone it is a surprise. If you speak three or even four languages at once it is considered to become norm. Therefore, if you are not fluent in English yet hurry up to learn it! In this program we will help you learn new rules through the most interesting lessons and break the...
An exciting summer language camp in Malaysia "Embassy English" will be held on the territory of the British school King Henry VIII, located in 20-minute drive from Kuala Lumpur. Within a month, the participants will immerse themselves in a reality show, in which they will take a part of daily co...