by 6 reviews
The city session — "Physics and Chemistry - the science around us" is created especially for those who want to discover something new and interesting every day, expand their horizons and experiment.
Base: | Family club-apartment "Happy people" |
Region: | Russia, Moscow (Moskva) |
Nearest city: | Moskva |
Age: | for children 7 - 12 years old |
Address: | Moskva, Vorontsovskaya ul., d. 24/6, str. 1
(on the map) |
Number of children: | 12 |
Start year of work: | 2016 |
Documents: |
Company: | LLC MPTC LINIYA |
Company registration number: | 770301213060 |
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The city camp is held on the basis of the Family club-apartment “Happy people”, in the center of Moscow on Taganka.
In the Club, for the convenience and comfort of young researchers there are:
Rooms: | Day stay |
Facilities (toilet): | shared, on the floor |
Food: | 3 meals |
Area: | 10 000 m2 |
concert hall, gym
Security and health services:Whatever children do, wherever they go, they will be accompanied by a team of cared for teachers and administrators.
Main program:
Before the start of the new school year, the Family club “Happy people” offers to get acquainted with the world of physics and chemistry.
Scientific sessions will help to move smoothly from a carefree summer to study. No boring lessons, desks and textbooks! All research, experiments and discoveries we will make independently.
We will
Our children will feel themselves as adults and independent, get new knowledge and experience in a friendly team of like-minded people, spend time in the fresh air!
Physics around us
Physics! Scary, terrible, boring or interesting? Let's try to understand this and think about how much space in our lives takes physics.
We will visit the Experimentarium and see how this science works. And then we will go to our own Research laboratory to conduct experiments with sound and mirrors.
Find out where thunder and lightning come from. Why winter replaces summer, and who, how and why monitors the weather.
Go up to the stars, going to the Planetarium. Find out whether there is enough of our lives in order to get from the earth to the moon walk.
Let's get acquainted with the basic laws of physics (mechanics), check how they work, and then try to remove them from our lives and see if we can live without them.
We will go to the ARTPLAY design Center to study modern technologies.
At the end of the week, we will apply this knowledge in practice, in order to adequately pass the tests for the right to be called a “Young Physicist”, prepared for us by the staff of a Secret laboratory.
Chemistry around us
Everything that surrounds us in the modern world is somehow connected with chemistry. It is everywhere, but where and how exactly we will understand.
Let's talk about Ecology, about how chemistry affects it, Find out what contribution each of us can make to the future of our planet. We will visit the Gallery of modern art and think about how we can give a second life to garbage without recycling it.
Let's understand the subtleties and nuances of cooking. We will conduct experiments in the kitchen, try something to taste, make food dyes and prepare a delicious afternoon snack for ourselves.
In order to deal with household chemicals go to the Ecocenter. Learn to "read" the compositions of household chemicals, learn its features. Check whether there are alternative (natural) substitutes for these chemicals. Of course, we will experiment!
Find out what are the ink and produce their own. We will deal with all kinds of paints and solvents, and check that will help us to clean a variety of stains from different surfaces. We'll write a spy message.
At the end of the week, we will apply this knowledge in practice, in order to adequately pass the tests for the right to be called “Young Chemist”, prepared for us by the employees of the Secret laboratory. and a shower room.
Day schedule:
09.00 – 09.45 — Gathering of participants
09.45 – 10.15 — Introductory presentation of the topic of the day
10.15 – 10.30 — Light breakfast
10.30 – 14.00 — Excursion
14.00 – 14.30 — Hot lunch
14.30 – 15.00 — Rest time (reading, drawing, etc.)
15.00 – 16.00 — Walking
16.00 – 16.30 — Afternoon snack
16.30 – 18.00 — Master Class
18.00 – 18.15 – Summing up the day
18.15 – 19.00 — Interest classes: cinema hall, board games, etc.
19.00 — End of the program
* depends on the day of the Program. On the day of long-term field trips, the daily routine changes.
Shift schedule:
10 -14 Августа. Мир журналистики
Мы станем настоящими журналистами и научимся запечатлевать события с помощью разных жанров журналистики – репортаж, интервью, заметка, фото. Создадим виртуальную газету.
Самый важный навык для Журналиста - это умение грамотно, правильно и чётко излагать свои мысли. Для того, чтобы понять как это лучше сделать, мы будем учиться собирать, анализировать, редактировать и оформлять информацию, брать интервью. Напишем свои первые статьи и придумаем свой уникальный материал для электронной газеты.
На смене пройдем тренинги по ораторскому мастерству, мимике и пластике, будем развивать навыки грамотной и красивой речи. А также много рассуждать, общаться, играть в «Что? Где? Когда?», «Сто к одному», Мафию и другие игры.
17 - 21 Августа. Я - Супергерой!
На смене мы определим свои супер-способности и найдем им применение в настоящей и будущей жизни. Ведь супер-способности есть у каждого из нас, нужно только поверить в собственные силы.
Будем исследовать тайну своих имен, свои сильные стороны. Развивать гибкость и нестандартность мышления, супер-память, концентрацию внимания и технику чтения.
Будем знакомиться с героями, размышлять о том, какие у них есть качества. Ребят ждет гимнастика для мозга и тела, творческие задания, кулинарные полдники и веселые викторины.
Кроме того, мы познакомимся с понятием цели и как правильно их ставить. Узнаем силу маленьких шагов. Освоим технологии самообучения и работы с различной информацией.
А в завершении недели нас ждет парад супер-героев!
24 - 28 Августа. Научные путешествия
Наука неразрывно связана с путешествиями, открытиями многообразием мира. Каждый день мы будем совершать "перелет" из одной страны в другую, где познакомимся с научными открытиями и проведём свои опыты. Узнаем о промыслах, национальных праздниках, ярких событиях истории, особенностях кулинарии и многом другом, “посетив” Италию, Мексику, Китай, Египет и Великобританию.
Будем пробовать всё сделать сами, своими руками, а потом обсудим результаты наших исследований и сделаем выводы. И все это без утомительных перелетов на самолетах
Payment methods: |
Price included: |
What to take with: |
05 august 2019
Viktoriya Vladimirovna about «Mir professiy» (boy 8 years old)
+ Positive
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01 june 2018
Kseniya Aleksandrovna about «Vokrug sveta» (boy 7 years old)
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10 april 2018
Dar'ya about «Mir Professiy» (girl 7 years old)
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04 december 2017
Evgeniya Andreevna about «Mir Iskusstv» (girl 7 years old)
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02 december 2017
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20 november 2017
Alpatova about «Mir Iskusstv» (girl 9 years old)
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Anna Aleksandrovna about «Mir Iskusstv» (girl 6 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
04 september 2017
Valentina about «Mir Nauk» (boy 8 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
13 june 2017
Svetlana about «Mir Professiy» (boy 7 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
13 june 2017
Natal'ya about «Mir Professiy» (girl 11 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
05 august 2019
Viktoriya Vladimirovna about camp program «Mir professiy» (boy 8 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
01 june 2018
Kseniya Aleksandrovna about camp program «Vokrug sveta» (boy 7 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
10 april 2018
Dar'ya about camp program «Mir Professiy» (girl 7 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
04 september 2017
Valentina about camp program «Mir Nauk» (boy 8 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
13 june 2017
Svetlana about camp program «Mir Professiy» (boy 7 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
13 june 2017
Natal'ya about camp program «Mir Professiy» (girl 11 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
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