Base: | Valle Abedules |
Region: | Spain, Madrid |
Nearest city: | Madrid, 45 km |
Age: | for children 6 - 16 years old |
Address: | Valle Abedules, Spain
(on the map) |
Documents: |
Company: | In2Spanish Institute S.L. |
Company registration number: | B87868055 |
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Valle Abedules is located in an incredibly beautiful place, just 45 km from Madrid, the campers will be able to enjoy the pleasures of the Spanish summer. Spacious, well-ventilated rooms, beautiful nature, air - this is the perfect place for a summer holiday.
The tranquility of the forest gives the children the opportunity to catch their breath after a busy school year and learn to appreciate the renewing force of nature.
Rooms: | 6-10 persons per room |
Facilities (toilet): | shared between rooms |
Food: | 3 meals |
Area: | 0 m2 |
playground, football field, pool
Security and health services:Campers are supervised by camp staff 24/7.
Main program:
Participants of the camp will learn and improve their skills in Spanish through a full language immersion in one of the best summer language camps in Spain! The program provides classes both with those who already speak the language, and only beginners! The guys will not only plunge into the new culture, but will also gain friends from Spain and other countries from around the world. Learning through discovery, creativity and adventure is our educational philosophy.
We know that the counselors are doing a summer camp experience special. All our counselors are with us, because they have received special training, are passionate about their work and are ready to give part of their soul to the guys!
Spanish classes
The language part of the classic programme includes 15 language lessons per week. Children study in groups according to their language skills. Our teachers are native Spanish speakers and professional educators. They specialise in teaching Spanish languages to international students. At the end of the programme, each student receives a certificate and an academic assessment report.
Payment methods: |
Price included: |
Not included in the price: |
Campers travelling to Spain alone are met by camp staff at Madrid airport. Individual transfers can be arranged for campers arriving outside the given time windows (cost of transfer will be specify). |
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