ALCamp — это отличный шанс попробовать себя в новом деле, завести друзей с разных концов света, попрактиковать английский и выйти на новый уровень знания языка.
ALСamp даёт мотивацию и старт для поступления в международные школы.
ALСamp — это запоминающиеся каникулы со спортивным...
Multilingual camp "Your Camp" is open to all who are interested in learning foreign languages, traditions of different countries and who enjoys outdoor activities!
$ 1 292 After successfull reservation you will receive 1000 bonus points
14 june - 28 june
$ 1 292
29 june - 13 july
$ 1 292
14 july - 28 july
$ 1 292
Make reservation in category "Children's camps" to the camps for children with a discount or bonus at Free reservation and cancellation! Select the best camp with our rating of camps. Compare price and genuine parents reviews about the camps.