by 7 reviews
Base: | |||||
Region: | Russia, Moscow (Moskva) | ||||
Nearest city: | Moskva, 25 km | ||||
Age: | for children 8 - 14 years old | ||||
Address: | 140123, Moskovskaya oblast', Ramenskiy rayon, d. Red'kino, O/L «Chayka», 1E
(on the map: address and route) |
Number of children: | 40 | ||||
Start year of work: | 2004 | ||||
Documents: |
1. Birth certificate, after 14 years – passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. Copy |
Company: | LLC Monsal'vat | ||||
Company registration number: | 5040071462 | ||||
Certificates and awards: |
Do you like this camp? Tell your friend |
Super comfortable camping tents. Romance and comfort have never been so close! &Nbsp;
● Hot water around the clock – a real hot water shower.
● Comfortable toilet with sewage. Rate on a free tour.
● Camping tents are warm, comfortable, not hiking.
● Additional sleeping bag if necessary.
● Electricity (not a generator) – around the clock.
● In case of cold weather and rain there are tents with heat guns on all sides in the camp.
● Clean paved tracks. Clean, comfortable in any weather
● 24-hour security
● Own well - you can drink from the tap and get healthy.
● Complete security: physical, psychological, informational ...
● GOST products (personal control of the director, cook, health worker)
● Meals - Catering on wood and coal every day.
● The air is saturated with phytoncides, ions, cleaner city 50 times (spruce, pine.)
● Processed from ticks and mosquitoes (no encephalitis)
● Fenced around the perimeter (no strangers)
● Equipped campfire site (no fires)
● 25 km from Moscow (convenient)
● Electric dryer (2 hours and all dry)
● No wild animals (no rabies)
● Canopy 200m2 for bad weather
● Rubber coating on the sports field (Safe)
Accomodation type: | 1 building |
Rooms: | 2-4 persons per room |
Facilities (toilet): | shared, on the floor |
Food: | 5 meals |
Area: | 110 000 m2 |
concert hall, playground, stadium, football field, basketball field, volleyball field, dance hall
Power town
Yoga Equipment
Hour security. Fenced area around the perimeter. CCTV.
Paramedic around the clock.
Main program:
The author’s system of organizing an educational environment. Approved by the professional union of teachers and psychologists.
The result is confirmed by numerous reviews of parents and children on independent Internet sites.
Unique staff of workers. In addition to counselors there is a psychologist, controls the microclimate in the camp, teaches, and the methodologist, helps counselors, teaches them. This dramatically increases the quality of work of the entire team.
The uniqueness of the composition of children's groups. Gifted children, children awarded a trip to the camp, children - mentors, assistant counselors. In collaboration with a psychologist and a methodologist.
A unique school counselors. The camp prepares counselors for 3 years from 15 to 18 years. All counselors, animators, psychologists. learn and practice year-round.
The camp theater with the director, costume designer and large dressing room. For each suit is selected, fitted, washed, and ironed. For each performance.
The environment that forms the skills of self-service, communication, creativity. During the shift, the child washes dishes from 70 to 100 times, performs from 30 to 100 times, comes up with, from 30 to 100 times, and so on in everything. This is built into the life of the camp! this is the system! this is the medium! The child is not forced. It causes desire, and the child does it all. He is not even asked to do it.
Every child is talented. This is a gift. Every child can learn his talent. Each child realizes his talent, transforming the world. Every child needs to be opened and inspired. All this you will see on the parent day, dear parents. Or in the video reviews on the camp channel. In written reviews on independent sites.
All shifts are copyrighted, unique, themed, costumed, dramatized, rehearsed before the beginning of the shift, written by the team - director, methodologist and psychologist. Which improves the quality many times.
Harmoniously compiled programs, regardless of the topic of change, movement, intelligence, skills, morality. Without lessons and tediousness. Beautifully and carefully built system for 15 years by the authors of the camp.
Personal example of all the organizers of the program ow all. Personal example and the help of those children who were already in the camp. What creates prerequisites for personal growth " experienced " ;, comfortable entry " beginners " ;, general atmosphere of family and friendship.
Every day there are masterclasses on hand made, manual labor included in the overall project, the theme of the shift.
Every day, physical activity is about 8 km. Checked by tracker. This is health! Metabolism, immunity and appetite.
And all this increases the importance of the child in the eyes of others and their own eyes. Inspires new things and goals.
Round the clock in the fresh clean air. This is ionized air filled with volatile production, devoid of the harmful dust of the city and industries. The girls say that in 2 weeks their hair becomes more magnificent. Perfect water and perfect air around the clock!
Direct contact with the director to help the child solve his problems or difficulties.
Gadget 1 time per day after dinner for feedback from parents. Or to complete a creative project.
Perhaps it’s not even all the features of a good habits camp program. We ask you to write the rest in reviews when you return from the camp.
Day schedule:
Все коуч-обучение происходит в лагере незаметно для непосвященного человека и ребенка, и выглядит как волшебный, не понятно откуда взявшийся, результат в конце смены. (Читаем и смотрим отзывы). Удивляемся на родительский день. Советуем знакомым. Приезжаем еще раз.
ПОДЪЁМ ДЕЖУРНЫХ 7-30. (Как научиться легко вставать рано утром и испытывать радость при этом)
ПОДЪЁМ 8 – 00. (Как научиться легко вставать рано утром и испытывать радость при этом)
ЗАРЯДКА 8 – 15. – 8 – 30. 5 -7 видов на выбор (Йога, тайдзи, танцы, восточные, хореография, аэробика, здоровая спина, стрейч, футбол..)
ВОДНЫЕ ПРОЦЕДУРЫ 8 – 30. – 9 – 00. (+обливания с мотивацией и примером)
УБОРКА ПАЛАТОК 9 – 00. – 10 – 00. (клининг, коуч, мотивация 4.0, время на личные увлечения) Здесь есть приятный сюрприз для ребенка, поверьте, это ему понравится.
ЗАВТРАК 10 – 00. – 10 – 30. (Правильное питание. Зачем мы это едим, как составить свой рацион от целей и конституции. Гигиена питания. А зачем эт мне?)
СОВЕТ 10 – 30. – 10 – 55. (управление - анализ, планирование, мотивация 4.0 и публичные выступления, демонстрация и практика)
ДОБРЫЕ ДЕЛА 11 –00. – 11 – 45. (Управление - мотивация 4.0, организация процесса, контроль...)
СОК 11 –45. – 12 – 00.
КТД, ПРОГУЛКИ, ИГРЫ, МК 12 – 00. – 14 – 00. (По заявленной теме смены)
ОБЕД 14 – 00. –14 – 30. (Правильное питание. Зачем мы это едим, как составить свой рацион от целей и конституции. Гигиена питания. А зачем это мне?)
БИБЛИОТЕКА, ДУШ 14 – 30.- 15 – 00. (Библиотека составлена по рекомендации психологов и филологов. Дети рекомендуют детям книги. От 50 до 90% детей читает с удовольствием.)
ТИХИЙ ЧАС 15 – 00. – 16 – 30. (Управление своим временим, медитация, тихое общение, уважение свободы каждого на сон и отдых) (сон или чтение) Здесь есть приятный сюрприз для ребенка, поверьте, это ему понравится.
ПОЛДНИК 16 – 40. – 17 – 00. (Правильное питание. Зачем мы это едим, как составить свой рацион от целей и конституции. Гигиена питания. А зачем это мне?)
КТД, ПРОГУЛКИ, ИГРЫ 17 – 00. – 19 – 00. (По заявленной теме смены)
УЖИН 19 – 00. – 19 – 30. (Правильное питание. Зачем мы это едим, как составить свой рацион от целей и конституции. Гигиена питания. А зачем это мне?)
ЗВОНКИ РОДИТЕЛЯМ 19 – 30. – 20 – 00. (Расскажи так, чтобы мама захотела в лагерь. Спроси совет, если есть нерешенные задачи. Расскажи о своих достижениях.)
ВОДНЫЕ ПРОЦЕДУРЫ 19 – 30. – 20 – 00. (Мойте ноги, чтобы они пахли цветами!" Володя любит запах цветов".)
КОСТЁР, ПЕСНИ 20 – 00. – 20 – 45. (Это релакс, романтика, умиротворение, гитара, барды, песня терапия). Четыре стихии на службе у ребенка.
СВЕЧКА 20 – 45. – 21 – 45. (Откровенный душевный разговор, благодарности и успехи, остальное на совет. Утро вечера мудренее.)
ОТБОЙ 22 – 00. (закон РФ о тишине и как научиться уважать свободу и права друг друга без ущерба для себя)
СОН 22 – 00. – 8 – 00. (Как успокоиться. Техники настройки на сон).
Shift schedule:
Shift Logic!
The increase of positive emotions and the climax at the end of the shift! &Nbsp;
Check in. Entry medical control. Paperwork.
Adaptation of the child. 2-3 days.
Team building - dating, friendship, joining in tents on the recommendation of a psychologist and the formation of groups on dating games.
I need this team because I can do ... The distribution of roles per shift. Discussion, inventing and approval of rules.
Disclosure of abilities. - The main program. Declared in the topic of the shift and the mode of the day. All skills, erudition, movement.
Preparation for the general and main project of the shift - " Parent's Day " ;. There are no two identical parent days. Children are doing it with the help of a psychologist, methodologist, director, counselors, mentors.
Parent's Day is a celebration, meeting, success, applause, delight!
Children's Day. Counselors monitor security only. Children are ready to invent, organize and spend their own leisure. And this is one of the most beloved days of children, along with preparing for the parent's day, parental day and the last day of rewarding, farewell and touching tears of parting. Royal night, normal. These are campfire songs, wishes, revelations, goodbyes, plans for the future ...
Last day. Awards, results, tears! Everything cool! A finished project, a project, always brings joy and delight, especially if supported by a reward, especially if it was not very comfortable at the beginning. A child is a hero! Do you agree?!
Video about camp:
Payment methods: |
Price included: |
Charge of confidence and positive for the whole year! |
Not included in the price: |
What to take with: |
LIST OF THINGS A child collects things in order to know what they have and where they are. Put everything in packages (more convenient and will not get wet). Things need to be signed (After the camp, 3 bags of draw clothes). Properly assembled equipment – pledge health of your child and his good rest. We change clothes at least 4 times a day (sleep, morning, afternoon, evening). Changeable clothes and shoes (wet - changed clothes) Clothes and shoes for hot weather: Bandana, baseball cap – 2 pcs • Swimwear – 1 set • Shorts – 2 pcs • Sandals – 1 pair • T-shirts / short shirts x / b sleeve – 3-4 pieces Cold weather clothing and footwear: • Turtlenecks / shirts with long sleeves x / b – 1-2 pcs • Warm sweater (wool) – 1 pc • Jeans / pants – 2 pcs Clothes and shoes for rainy weather: • Lightweight windproof jacket - 1 pc • Polyethylene rain cover – 2 pcs • Rubber boots - 1 pair, (so as not to limit the child in motion in rainy weather) Clothing and footwear for sports: • Training suit – 1 pc • Sneakers – 1 pair Clothes for sleeping outside (from 0С to 25С): • Envelope for a sleeping bag (in half along a stitched sheet) – 2pcs • Cap (wool) - 1 pc • Thermal underwear - 1 set of natural. Not synthetic. Synthetics for sports, and the child need to sleep. &Nbsp; • Can your sleeping bag (sleeping bags we have) • Cotton socks – 5-6 pairs • Woolen socks – 1-2 pairs Clothes and shoes are beautiful (for special occasions): Girls can wear dresses, sundresses and skirts. Hygiene supplies: • Rubber shower slippers – 1 pair Comb • Soap, toothpaste, brush, bast • Soap, laundry powder – 1 pc • Towel – 3 pieces (arms, legs, bath) • Toilet paper – 3 rolls Household supplies: • Clothespins – 10 pcs. &Bull; Chemistry for manual washing Cookware: • KLM - cup, spoon, bowl – 1 set Mosquito repellent (Roller repellent - the best) Office: • Notebook - 1 pc • Pencil case (pens, pencils, eraser …) – 1pcs • Favorite books or program (read in the quiet hour) Drugs (We have everything, but you can ) • Individual medicines – as necessary (It is obligatory to hand over to the doctor with the list!). Forbidden: Knives, matches, aerosols, cigarettes, alcohol, etc. Not needed: Phones * , cameras, camcorders, tablets, PSP, and so on. (The counselors, the photographer and the videographer are working) At the end of the change disk with photos and video. * Phone with one button « PARENTS » , or children will call with camp phones. We do not charge the phone. Or poverbank, or if you include only for calls 1 time a day for 1 hour, then there is enough charge, or to call the phones of counselors. The list of telephone counselors upon arrival of children. |
16 march 2022
Larisa about camp program «Chayka. Novaya tsivilizatsiya» (girl 10 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
• Answer from camp
03 november 2021
Anonimnyiy Roditel' about camp program «Chayka. Novaya tsivilizatsiya» (boy 10 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
• Answer from camp
27 july 2020
Ekaterina Anatol'evna about camp program «Chayka. Novaya tsivilizatsiya» (boy 11 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
• Answer from camp
15 december 2019
Maria about camp program «Chayka. Novaya tsivilizatsiya» (girl 12 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
• Answer from camp
14 december 2019
Marina Evgen'evna about camp program «Chayka. Novaya tsivilizatsiya» (girl 13 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
• Answer from camp
13 december 2019
Anna Leonidovna about camp program «Chayka. Novaya tsivilizatsiya» (boy 10 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
• Answer from camp
21 july 2019
Oleg Borisovich about camp program «Chayka. Novaya tsivilizatsiya» (girl 11 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
• Answer from camp
from $ 436,- Aplodismentyi. Applause KIDS (Moskva, Russia) |
from $ 825,- Aktivnyie turyi Dmitriya i Matveya Shparo.... (poselok Tiksha, Russia) |
from $ 152,- Gorodskoy Klub IQ007 (Moskva, Russia) |
from $ 558,- FC Stuttgart Premium (Kratovo, Russia) |
from $ 615,- Mir na ozere (Moskva, Russia) |
from $ 621,- Mir Igr. Fidzhital lager' (Moskva, Russia) |
from $ 396,- FillCamp (Moskva, Russia) |
from $ 405,- English Camp (Moskva, Russia) |
from $ 138,- Komp'yuternaya Akademiya TOP. Sevastopol'skaya (g. Moskva, Russia) |
from $ 518,- Ob,edinennoe Korolevstvo (Moskva, Russia) |
from $ 221,- Gorodskaya kinoshkola MakGaffina (Moskva, Russia) |
from $ 464,- OXFORD CAMP English (Orehovo-Zuevo, Russia) |
from $ 436,- Aplodismentyi. Freestyle Football (Moskva, Russia) |
from $ 344,- Pushkino (Moskva, Russia) |
from $ 341,- TehnoCampus (Kolomna, Russia) |
from $ 548,- Gorod leta (Moskva, Russia) |
from $ 3 413,- Letnie kanikulyi v Shanhae i Hanchzhou (Shanhay, Hanchzhou, China) |
from $ 333,- Mirgrad. Dobrokon' (Kirzhach, Russia) |
from $ 311,- Turistyonok (Pushkino, Russia) |
from $ 375,- Liga yunyih. Futbol'naya liga (Naro-Fominsk, Russia) |
Как проехать: BY CAR: From the Moscow Ring Road on the Ryazan or Kashirskoye Highway, to Volodarsky Highway, further along the Volodarsky Highway, to the gas station "quay; ROUTE" continue to follow the signpost " Children's Health Camp; seagull " 700 m Camp right side. TRANSPORT: from metro Kotelniki 351 bus stop Shchegolovo. then 150 meters to the gas station " TRAIL " continue to follow the signpost " Children's Health Camp; seagull " 700 m Camp right side. From the metro station Domodedovskaya 367 bus stop settlement Volodarsky mr " Olkhovka " final, then 1 km to the gas station " TRAIL " continue to follow the signpost " Children's Health Camp; seagull " 700 m Camp right side.