Region: | Latvia, Rigas Aprinkis |
Nearest city: | Saulkrastyi |
Age: | for children 10 - 17 years old |
Address: | Saulkrasti, Ainažu iela 74
(on the map: address and route) |
Number of children: | 75 |
Start year of work: | 2015 |
Documents: |
Company: | English Explorer |
Company registration number: | 7723766618 |
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Camp participants live in a cozy hotel on the territory of the complex Minhauzena Unda. Camp workers and teachers live in the same hotel, which allows to provide support and assistance to children 24 hours a day. The camp territory is fenced. The camp itself is located near the coast of the Baltic Sea.
Rooms: | for 2 - 3 people in a room |
Facilities (toilet): | inside room |
Food: | 3 meals a day is offered on the territory of the complex in a local cafe, which also works as an ordinary cafe throughout the day. |
Area: | 60 000 m2 |
beach, concert hall, playground, football field, basketball field, volleyball field
Security and health services:The territory of the camp is fenced, at the entrance to the guard post, there are always staff on the territory of the complex. The safety of participants is provided by counselors and teachers living in the same building with children. Children are not allowed to leave the camp territory alone without escort. On the territory of the camp there are workers who can provide first aid. The camp concluded an agreement with a local hospital on the admission of children from the camp, if necessary.
Main program:
With young and active teachers and counselors from England and Latvia, camp participants will be able to learn living English and gain knowledge that will enable them to feel confident in any life situation. Every day children are expected not only to learn English in the classroom, but also live language through sports, art, drama and music events. Teachers will participate in extracurricular activities with children, communicating in English and encouraging the use of the acquired academic knowledge in practice. Role games and dramatic productions will help children easily overcome the language barrier.
Children are divided into groups based on their level of English (Beginner to Upper-Intermediate). After submitting an application for participation in the camp program, you must pass a test to determine the level of language proficiency.
Children will demonstrate their achievements in mastering the language and their talents in various fields at the closing ceremony of the camp, presenting the project of their group, which they will start working together on the first day of their stay in the camp.
Camp participants will make fascinating hikes in the national park &la Goua » in Sigulda, get acquainted with the legends of the medieval Turaida castle, founded in 1214, visit the cave of Gutman.
An exciting trip to the Latvian capital is also organized – Riga. Walking tour of the ancient streets of Old Riga, visiting souvenir shops and a candy store &"Laima", a trip to the famous restaurant of traditional Latvian cuisine &LIDO » on the embankment, which also housed an amusement park. Participants of the camp are waiting for many exciting adventures!
In the evenings children are expected to have various activities in English organized by the counselors in conjunction with the teachers: quizzes, performances, competitions, film screenings, dance classes and sporting events.
The most active and resourceful wait for prizes and surprises!
Payment methods: |
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Как проехать: 1) By car. GPS coordinates: 57.2715483 (latitude), 24.4151633 (longitude)