Region: | Russia, Moscow (Moskva) |
Nearest city: | Moskva, 50 km |
Age: | for children 5 - 15 years old |
Address: | g. Moskva ul. Bahrushina,4 (st.m. Paveletskaya)
(on the map: address and route) |
Number of children: | 40 |
Start year of work: | 2015 |
Company: | City Anti-Camp Freedom |
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The Anti-FREEDOM Camp opens on June 1, 2015.
The organizers of the camp have tried to make the change of the summer camp easier for you and your children. Your child will be immersed in the creative process for 2 weeks.
Depending on the child's biorhythms, you can choose the morning or evening shift: 9.00 – 14.00 or 15.00 – 20.00.
Address: Moscow street. Bakhrushin, 4 (metro Paveletskaya).
Accomodation type: | 2 buildings |
Rooms: | 10 people in a group |
Food: | no |
Area: | 10 000 m2 |
concert hall, playground, gym, football field, basketball field, volleyball field Auditoriums for classes, dance hall
Security and health services:Internal security center.
Main program:
Highly qualified staff, exciting programs, creative pursuits are distinguished from Anti-Camp Freedom from other camps. During the shift, your children will be passionate about the following courses:
During each shift, our friends come to Anti-Freedom Camp :
Day schedule:
Morning shift.
8: 30-9: 00 - children reception
9: 00-13: 00 - visiting studios according to the schedule: Studio "The Mastery of the Actor", "Baba Yoga", "Handmade". Participation in performances of leading theaters in Moscow, contact excursions.
13: 00-14: 00 - active games in the air, parents' meeting.
Evening shift.
15: 00-19: 00 - visiting studios according to the schedule: Studio "The Mastery of the Actor", "Baba Yoga", "Handmade". Participation in performances of leading theaters in Moscow, contact excursions.
19: 00-20: 00 - active games in the air, parents' meeting.
Payment methods: |
Price included: |
What to take with: |
Book this camp and share your impressions!
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Как проехать: m. Paveletskaya 3 minutes from the metro