Region: | Estonia, Vorumaa |
Nearest city: | Vyiru, 9 km |
Age: | for children 7 - 17 years old |
Address: | 65602 Voru, Estonia
(on the map: address and route) |
Transfer accompanied by an adult: | from Moskva |
Number of children: | 27 |
Start year of work: | 2003 |
Documents: |
Company: | CHARLIE. Riders Of AROS Valley |
Company registration number: | 7736560082 |
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The summer program of the children's camp "CHARLI of the Aros Valley" " is dedicated to those who are too bored on the sea, mosquitoes get out in the forest, and the mountains are frightened by the unpredictability of the weather. Two weeks for those who want unusual adventures, new and good friends and a meaningful holiday. In " Charlie " there will be both.
Accomodation type: | 2 buildings |
Rooms: | 3-4 bed room, shower / toilet on the floor |
Food: | 4-time |
Area: | 10 000 m2 |
concert hall, playground, football field, volleyball field, pool sauna, stable in 7 km.
Security and health services:In the shift team - a doctor from Moscow.
Main program:
The program is divided into three stages.
The first stage consists of comprehending the art of artistic fencing, riding and long cycling.
So, in order. We will be divided into three groups, so that everyone can try and fight on the rapiers, and get tired on the bike.
Fencing lessons will be held under the guidance of a master of his craft, specially invited as an instructor to our camp. In the process, children can not only learn how to fence properly and beautifully, but also fully immerse themselves in the atmosphere of glorious times of knights, musketeers and duels ...
We will comprehend the difficult science of riding by 2 professional coaches for a group of no more than 9 people. Each child will devote at least 4 hours to this during shift.
Well, in order to diversify medieval times with something modern with especially hardy and hungry adventures, we will make long cycling raids through the Rõuge valley. Immediately warn, the routes are long, but very beautiful and worth the effort that children will attach.
In 2008, we added archery and orienteering to the program, which caused great enthusiasm among the children.
The second stage will take two days and consists of a canoe trip on one of the most picturesque rivers in Estonia Võhandu. This is not a mountain river, of course, because there will be no big rapids and shocks. However, we will not only have a great swim, but also an overnight stay in tents with songs and baked potatoes by the fire, a sauna with a bridge leading straight into the pond, and a great many local legends that Estonia abounds.
And finally, the final part of the whole trip will take place in Tallinn, where we will move from Arossa. One and a half days we will spend in this amazing city, see the Old Town, look at the Town Hall, look at the "Sisters » and in the evening we will take the Tallinn-Moscow train.
Video about camp:
Payment methods: |
Price included: | preparation and submission of documents for issuing a visa to Estonia (with payment of a consular fee); insurance taking into account the risks of active sports (covering 30 000 euros, Insurance Group "MSK"); railway tickets Moscow-Pskov, Tallinn-Moscow (coupe); Bus Pskov - Arossa, Arossa - Tallinn; accommodation in 3 - 4-bed rooms; 4 meals a day; participation of instructors, medical worker, work of local guides; excursions to Setomaa, fortress of Vestiemia, according to Tallinn; rental bicycles, horseback riding (not less than 4 hours), 2-day canoe trip with the rental of all necessary equipment. |
19 july 2018
Zhanna D. about «ChARLI. Ta Storona gde Veter...» (boy 9 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
• Answer from camp
Как проехать: Train Moscow-Pskov, then - by car ~ 80 km.