Region: | Russia, Krasnodarskiy kray |
Nearest city: | Sochi, 22 km |
Age: | for children 7 - 17 years old |
Address: | g.Sochi pos.Loo, ul.Vozrozhdeniya, 2, pansionat 3* "Gornyiy vozduh"
(on the map: address and route) |
Transfer: | from Krasnodar |
Number of children: | 40 |
Start year of work: | 2008 |
Documents: |
Company: | Linguotour |
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The camp is located in the ecologically clean part of the Black Sea coast - the resort village of Loo, 22 km from the center of the resort of Sochi on the basis of boarding house 3 * "Mountain air" (the first coastline).
A large well-groomed, well-landscaped area in close proximity to a wide fine-grained beach strip.
Own equipped beach is located 10 meters from the sleeping buildings.
The 3 meals a day are organized according to the type of "Buffet" » in a cozy restaurant with a chic sea view. Daily in the menu: a variety of dishes of European, Caucasian cuisines, a large selection of snacks, salads, hot dishes and desserts.
Accomodation type: | 2 buildings |
Rooms: | 3-4 local, with amenities |
Food: | 3-time |
Area: | 20 000 m2 |
beach, concert hall, playground, volleyball field, pool
Outdoor swimming pool
filled with fresh water, constantly cleaned. The pool area is equipped with sun loungers, umbrellas, tables and chairs.
Round the clock
Main program:
What could be better than exciting trainings and workshops, learning English with professional teachers in the circle of their peers?
English classes with a foreign teacher
Goal: development of all language skills: reading, writing, speaking, listening to foreign speech; motivation to learn English, the removal of the "language" barrier
Teachers: Highly qualified foreign teachers who have advanced teaching methods with significant work experience provoke children to use the English language continuously, developing students' communication skills and facilitating immersion in the language environment, relieving the shyness in communication and language barrier.
Training: English classes in our camp differ in that the learning process sometimes passes unnoticed for the students themselves, in the process of direct communication with foreign teachers during the day. In addition, there are also academic classes in groups according to the level of English.
The art of public speaking, speaking skills
Goal: Learn to speak to the audience, gain self-confidence; to form a beautiful, clear, clear and logically built speech. Teachers: Certified experienced teachers: actors, journalists, directors, with practical experience. Teachers regularly attend master classes, seminars and training courses.
Training: The art of eloquence, the factors of successful public speaking, the management of the attention of the audience, the structure of the speech and the maintenance of attention during the speech, the consistency and logic of speech, the preparation of speech for speech, voice and breathing, appearance of the speaker and his behavior before the audience, ways of argumentation and persuasion, performance and pronunciation, writing essays and reports.
Communicative trainings, leadership and teambuilding trainings
Goal: development of communication skills, development of leadership skills, development of teamwork skills
Teachers: Highly qualified specialists with practical experience and experience in conducting trainings.
Training: removal of psychological and communication barriers, acquisition of teamwork skills and management of conflict situations, effective communication; development of the ability to empathy, understanding of facial expressions, body language; development of skills of convincing speech and effective listening, development of creative abilities, development of skills of argumentation of one's own point of view and upholding one's interests, self-presentation
Exciting quests and show programs, discos and super parties
Our professional experts in the field of event events organize unforgettable interactive games, show programs, exciting quests, discos and super-parties.
Beach / pool
As part of the wellness program, children visit the beach daily, which is 10 meters from the dormitories or a swimming pool located in the camp. Children bathe, sunbathe in the sun, play mobile games.
Sports events
Sport activities in our camp are aimed at preserving and strengthening the health, physical development of children. Every morning in the camp begins with morning exercises on the beach or aqua aerobics in the pool. Every day, there are sports games: volleyball, tennis, water polo.
Payment methods: |
Price included: |
Not included in the price: |
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Как проехать: By air: to Adler airport, then by shuttle bus number 105 and 124 to Sochi bus station. You can also