Base: | Helen Doron International School |
Region: | Russia, Saint Petersburg (Sankt-Peterburg) |
Nearest city: | Sankt-Peterburg |
Age: | for children 5 - 14 years old |
Address: | Sankt-Peterburg, ul. Glavnaya, d.25
(on the map) |
Number of children: | 10 |
Start year of work: | 2016 |
Company: | Helen Doron |
Company registration number: | 7801608353 |
Do you like this camp? Tell your friend |
Helen Doron Kolomyagi
St. Petersburg, st. Main, d. 25.
Food: lunch, lunch, tea.
Rooms: | 10-seater |
Facilities (toilet): | shared, on the floor |
Food: | 2-time |
Area: | 10 000 m2 |
There is no protection and medical care.
Main program:
Program " Setting the drama musical " for children 5-14 yrs. from 05.06.17-30.06.17.
Program "Discover the Secrets of the World with Paul" for children aged 9-14 from 01.07.17-28.07.17, 14.08.17-25.08.17.
>Day schedule:
9.50-10.00 Arrival of students in the camp
10.00-10.15 Cohesion games
10.15-11.15 Lesson
11.15-11.30 The second breakfast
11.30-11.45 The Song Club
11.45-12.45 Lesson
12.45-13.30 Active games on the air
13.30-14.00 Projects
14.00-14.30 Lunch
14.30-15.30 Thematic Games
15.30-16.30 Project (discoveries, dreams, actions)
16.30-17.30 Active games / Board games
17.30-18.00 Tea Party
Payment methods: |
Price included: |
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