Region: | Russia, Moscow (Moskva) |
Nearest city: | Moskva, 70 km |
Age: | for children 6 - 13 years old |
Address: | derevnya Ist'e
(on the map: address and route) |
Number of children: | 15 |
Start year of work: | 2012 |
Documents: |
Birth certificate. |
Company: | Triangular wheel |
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Children are accommodated in comfortable double rooms. Each room has a toilet, a shower.
Accomodation type: | 1 building |
Rooms: | Double room |
Food: | 4-time |
Area: | 200 000 m2 |
Security and health services:Territory of the boarding house "Sparrows". round-the-clock guard, a pass system was introduced.
Main program:
Our programs are addressed primarily to families who appreciate unique and unusual projects. We strive to teach children to create and appreciate things that are tangible and not very much, which can be taken with them in the coming summer and left in memory of their childhood.
Famous artists, interesting canvases, techniques and history of creating masterpieces, biographies of masters - we will plunge into this immense in its strength, meaning and depth of the topic and even for a couple of weeks turn our favorite boarding house "Sparrows » in the playground, where real artists, beginners and all who consider themselves as such will meet! Drawing skills are welcome, but not at all necessary – we are going to come in contact with this huge branch of human culture to get acquainted with our inner creator. In addition to the open air, the camps have become obligatory and beloved in the program: classes in neuro-games, art therapy, sports and thematic events, acting school, club of table games, outdoor communication, forest, creek, arbours, campfires, friends. And, of course, adults who with great love and attention fill with meaning the space in which the children are.Payment methods: |
Price included: |
Food, accommodation, program. |
What to take with: |
Clothing for the season, changeable shoes for the hull, slippers for the room. |
Book this camp and share your impressions!
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Как проехать: To get to us from Moscow you can by car on the Kiev or Kaluga highway.