Region: | Sweden, Ostergotlands lan |
Nearest city: | Linchyoping, 45 km |
Age: | for children 7 - 14 years old |
Address: | Yxnerum hotel & conference, 597 95 Åtvidaberg
(on the map: address and route) |
Transfer accompanied by an adult: | from Sankt-Peterburg |
Number of children: | 30 |
Start year of work: | 2011 |
Documents: |
Company: | United English |
Company registration number: | 780213712203 |
Do you like this camp? Tell your friend |
United English is an amazing camp in which you can improve the level of English, enjoy the beauty of Sweden and even rent your own professional cinema. This is a real event for young actors and actresses! You can become a movie star in English and get a film award for the best role! Filming will be held in Sweden. Hurry up, the number of places in the crew is limited!
Accomodation type: | 3 buildings |
Rooms: | 2-3 local with amenities |
Food: | 4-single, buffet |
Area: | 40 000 m2 |
beach, concert hall, playground, gym, stadium, football field, basketball field, volleyball field, pool tennis court, mini golf course, lake
Security and health services:The territory is fully protected. 24-hour video surveillance is under way. There is a medical center in the territory.
Main program:
Payment methods: |
Price included: | transfer from the airport and registration fees, accommodation, meals, training with native speakers (55, film shooting in English, round-the-clock Russian-language accompaniment, transport and escort to events, sightseeing and entrance tickets |
Not included in the price: | S-Pb-Stockholm tickets, visa |
18 august 2024
Lyubov' Borisovna about «United English» (boy 11 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
05 august 2024
Aleksandr about «United English» (boy 9 years old)
+ Positive
- Negative
Как проехать: The trip is carried out centrally: picking up at the Pulkovo airport at the appointed time. Next group vm