Camp program "Serving the Fatherland!" lined up in a single fascinating and informative storyline, consisting of theoretical and practical lessons on military and tourist training, history, geography, as well as psychological training, adventure games, hikes of varying degrees of complexity, the...
The year-round children's sanatorium and health camp Don is located in one of the best corners of Russia, on the Black Sea in the Krasnodar Territory, 40 km from the city of Tuapse. Territory 8 ha. decorated with a large number of shady arbors, fountains, ponds with fish, flowers and exotic ...
Туроператор ООО "Ребус" реализует детский отдых на летних, весенних, зимних и осенних каникулах. Методическим отделом компании разработана комплексная рецензированная образовательная программа: «Россия – самая красивая страна».
География поездок в рамках программы растёт с каждым годом! В...
1 june - 21 june
$ 903$ 858discount $ 45
1 june - 21 june
$ 94 300$ 858
Make reservation in category "Children's camps located on OK «DON»" to the camps for children with a discount or bonus at Free reservation and cancellation! Select the best camp with our rating of camps. Compare price and genuine parents reviews about the camps.