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Children's camps located on LOK «Izumrud» - filial FGBU «USZ» pri Minsel'hoze Rossii

Camps with places on the map

Found 2 children's camps


Russia, Moskva, LOK "Izumrud"

Excellent 4,9 / 5

2 reviews


Программа «АйДаКемп» проводится в Московской области, Наро-Фоминском городском округе, деревне Деденево, всего в 50 километрах от столицы, среди живописных хвойных и лиственных лесов Изумрудной зоны. Лагерь занимает территорию площадью 7 гектаров , где созданы все условия для комфортного преб...

30 may - 10 june

View all shifts
$ 807     $ 766discount $ 40

30 may - 10 june

$ 69 000    $ 766

15 august - 28 august

$ 79 000    $ 877
Stars Academy

Russia, Naro-Fominsk, LOK "Izumrud"

Excellent 4,8 / 5

20 reviews

Creative children's camp "Academy of Stars" is a fascinating and informative rest during the holidays. Throughout the session kids will have creative competitions and concerts, acting and dance workshops, art workshops, active recreation and sports. In the camp, each child will find a progra...

8 july - 21 july

View all shifts
$ 968     $ 919discount $ 48

8 july - 21 july

$ 82 800    $ 919

4 august - 13 august

$ 62 800    $ 697

15 august - 28 august

$ 82 800    $ 919
Make reservation in category "Children's camps located on LOK «Izumrud» - filial FGBU «USZ» pri Minsel'hoze Rossii" to the camps for children with a discount or bonus at incamp.me. Free reservation and cancellation! Select the best camp with our rating of camps. Compare price and genuine parents reviews about the camps.