Region: | Spain, Baleares |
Nearest city: | Palamanova, 11 km |
Age: | for children 3 - 13 years old |
Address: | Illes Balears, Palamanova, Calvià
(on the map: address and route) |
Number of children: | 30 |
Start year of work: | 2015 |
Company: | KidsMallorca. Eco-camp in a typical estate |
Company registration number: | Y4022482A |
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Es Burotel Manor is located west of the Tramuntana mountain range, between the cities of Calvia and Puigpunient, 15 km from the capital and the coast. The estate of more than 1200 m2 on a plot of 260 hectares, preserves the traditional style of large ancient houses of the countryside of the island of Mallorca. All buildings are adapted for educational and recreational use. Halls for training and games, meeting room with fireplaces, 2 dining rooms with air conditioning, outdoor swimming pool, mini-farm with pets, eco-garden &eco-city, climbing wall, adventure track (Tibetan bridge, tarzanka, etc.) , shooting range.
2 meals a day: (lunch and afternoon snack). The child should have the second breakfast with him.
Rooms: | day camp |
Facilities (toilet): | shared between rooms |
Food: | 2-time |
Area: | 2 600 000 m2 |
playground, football field, pool
Security and health services:Insurance in case of illness and from accidents. Observation of instructors during the entire time of arrival.
Main program:
Age from 3 to 6 years. Lessons on the mini-farm, crafts in the workshop, cooking, caring for the garden and animals, games in the gaming halls and on the territory, swimming pool daily.
Age from 7 to 13 years. &Nbsp; Sports, adventure, farming, crafts in the workshop, cooking, caring for the garden and animals, playing in the gaming halls and on the territory, swimming pool daily, water sports once a week ( kayak and paddle surf only in June and July).
The camp accepts Russian-speaking children, but it must be taken into account that the programs are conducted in Spanish.
Day schedule:
8:50 - departure of the bus
9:30 - Arrival at the farmstead and second breakfast
10:00 - program of events
13:00 - lunch
14:00 - Events program
16:30 - collection and departure
17:00 - Arrival of the bus
The bus leaves 3 points of the island:
Bus Station 1: Carrer de Jesuit, 6, Palma de Mallorca (city center) – 8:50
Bus Station 2: Carrer de Galicia, 7, Palma de Mallorca (Es Burotell office) – 8:55
Bus Item 3: Palmanova (opposite the clinic) – 9:15
From any of the three points the bus delivers children directly to the campsite. During the trip they are accompanied by the leaders Es Burotell. School buses, with seat belts on all seats.
Payment methods: |
Price included: |
Not included in the price: |
Attention: representatives of the camp NOT conduct an organized trip from Russia. Parents bring their own children to the airport / railway station or to the camp. &Nbsp; Children under 12 years (parents and children under 16 years of age) who need to travel abroad must order a child support service in flight from the airline (both ways). |
What to take with: |
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Как проехать: The camp provides transport for children from the Palmanova district and from the center of the capital Palma de Mallorca