Found 3 children's camps
Children's health camp "Vostok" will hospitably open its doors for children aged 7 to 16 years. Children's health camp "Vostok" is located in one of the picturesque places of Semenov urban district — near the village of Pesochnoe. The territory is 6.3 hectares. The camp is located in a p...
“Summer cottage”. The camp is for children up to 10 years old.Age groups: younger (2-4 years), middle (5 - 7 years), older (8-10 years). Clean air! Protected area with pine trees, garden, playground and awnings for walks in any weather. Comfort: 5 meals a day, special food for people having alle...
The camp is for children up to 10 years old. It is located on the territory of the sports complex AURUM with a separate entrance. Children are engaged in swimming pool,physical education in the gym, dancing, gymnastics, physical therapy, sports games and Hiking. The educational program includes ...