Enhanced sports program on the basis of the best equestrian club in Germany (5*, 4-time "best club of the country"): dressage, competition, triathlon, German equestrian classes. All training performed in small groups (no more than 2-3 people). There are also additional classes in English or Germa...
This camp is held on the basis of one of the best equestrian schools in Germany (5*) and is aimed primarily at those who want to pass at the end of the course on one of the German categories in equestrian sports.
And yet, in addition to 2 hours of daily classes you will find a variety of camp pr...
Camp "Osnabruck" is focused primarily on horseback riding and communication with the horse, sports achievements are not important here. And yet you expect up to 5 hours of riding every day - primary training, training, field trips, dressage and concoure for trained riders – all this in a pictures...
Make reservation in category "Highland camps in Germany for children 14 - 17 years old" to the camps for children with a discount or bonus at incamp.me. Free reservation and cancellation! Select the best camp in Germany with our rating of camps. Compare price and genuine parents reviews about the camps.